
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Winnie the Pooh Snack Mix #disneywinnie

This is a sponsored post for Blueprint Social and their client.  All opinions are honest and are my own.
You'll be the hit of the party with this easy Winnie the Pooh snack mix! 

Winnie the Pooh has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. As a baby, I had a mobile with all the main characters on it and a stuffed Pooh Bear that I loved to cuddle with.  When I was a kid, my brother and I always watched The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh on the Disney Channel before school.  There was something so soothing about the narrator's voice and the sweet, simple stories of Pooh and his friends.

You can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was released on DVD on August 27th!  It's available on Blu-Ray and HD Digital.  Thanks so much to the people at Disney for sending our family a free review copy for inspiration for this project. All opinions are honest and are my own.

Last week, the kids and I made a simple snack to enjoy while watching this sweet show. They truly enjoyed the whole experience and were excited that it was something I watched as a kid too!

First we assembled our ingredients.  I had bear-shaped graham crackers, honey-roasted peanuts (Pooh Bear loves hunny!), marshmallows, and several different colors of candies.  The kids said the marshmallows reminded them of the clouds in the Pooh stories. We picked out the pink, purple, red, brown, and light blue M&Ms to represent Piglet, Eeyore, Pooh's red shirt, Owl, and Christopher Robin's blue shorts.  The Reese's Pieces represented orange Tigger, yellow Rabbit, and brown Kanga and Roo.

Next, we poured everything into a bowl and stirred it up well.  The kids were already talking about what pieces they were going to eat first!

Finally, we all settled down around the tv and enjoyed this timeless adventure.  Even my old Winnie the Pooh doll got to join in on the fun!

For more Hundred Acre Woods goodness, check out the projects below and visit Winnie the Pooh on Facebook!

Thanks to Toronto4Kids for featuring this post!


  1. This looks like such a relaxing morning. I want to be your kid! The snack looks delicious and comforting!

  2. My little Grandson Tiger is just starting to like Winnie the Pooh (he is 2yrs) and I think he would love this pooh mix. I'll have to check out the other crafts also. I'll have him over for a special time of movies and fun at Grandma's! thanks for sharing at TTF.

  3. This is such an adorable idea. We are Disney freaks so I am totally trying this. Found you from the Friday Follow and I am totally following now :)

    My Personal Accent
    A Crafty DIY Eclectic Guide to Life

  4. I love the look of these snacks and the delight on your kiddies faces is clear to see in the photos!

    Thanks so much for linking up!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  5. Even Pooh has a FB page!

    Thanks for joining in to celebrate Blue Monday’s 5th Blogiversary!

  6. Ohhh my goodness. This is fantastic. I am pinning this right now.

    Kristina @Mother's Niche


  7. Sarah, the children are so darling and I know they had a blast making such a delicious snack. My family has always loved Winnie the Pooh as well. Now they are grown with families of their own. Love your post.
    xo, Jeanne

  8. Hi Sarah

    Wow - you are a wonder Mum. This is absolutely brilliant!

    I must show my kids (teenagers) your blog.... No, on second thoughts maybe not, they will claim they have had a disadvantaged upbringing!

    Wren x

  9. I love Winnie the Pooh too Sarah. The mix is as fun to look at as I'm sure it is to eat! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. This is such a cute idea! I found you through Make the Scene Monday! If you like to link up come over to Craft Frenzy Friday at!

  11. What a fun idea. Thanks so much for linking up at Block Party last week. I'm featuring this tomorrow in next weeks party. I can't wait to see what else you have to share :)


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Mrs. Sarah Coller