
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gratituesday: What Are You Thankful For Today?

It's Gratituesday...What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful everyday for my family---that's a given. But, as I've been in some serious physical pain these past few days, I've really been thinking on how very, very thankful I am that God has blessed us with the family dynamic that we have!

As most of my readers know, I'm due to have our seventh child any day now. During pregnancy, I usually suffer from some back pain, as well as pain in my sciatic nerve. However, this pregnancy has definitely been a rougher than normal one. After baby #5, I injured my tailbone for the second time and, while I felt the effects during my pregnancy with #6, this time around it is noticeably worse.

But my physical pain is not what this post is about!

What I want to say about all of the above is that, in spite of the physical pain my pregnancies cause me, I could never truly complain because I know how very blessed we are to have been given the many children that we have.

Just the other night, as I was laying on the couch sobbing while my husband tried to massage the kinks out of my back, a little voice in my head said, "you know, this is probably a good sign that you shouldn't have any more kids." That same voice has been saying that same thing for several years now and in several situations: you're having financial issues--you should stop; you had a miscarriage--isn't that God telling you to stop?; you've filled up the biggest rig that normal people can buy--time to stop now!

I'm very familiar with this voice. Not only is it the voice of the concerned parent who worries about my health and sanity and the well-meaning friend who can't imagine herself in my place, but it's also the voice of the Enemy who would sow doubt into my mind and heart about the things that God really has called us to.

I don't for one minute believe that God has called every family to the lifestyle I live. He has a different plan and direction for each one of us and how we walk that out will differ from situation to situation. My point is not to debate God's will for the family. My point is to remind myself that this is what God has called me to. It's not always going to be easy.

The other day, I wrote about Paul's trials in prison here. One verse that struck me was this from 2 Corinthians 1:8-9: "For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead."

While I've never actually "despaired of life itself", I've definitely had days where I wished for a different circumstance. When I'm not living in that despairing moment, I look back and it breaks my heart that I would desire anything else than the wonderful blessings God has given. However, I've had enough of those "days of despair" that I know those are the days in which I am called to "rely not on (my)self but on God". In the wise words of Ginny Owens, he "never said it would be easy, (he) only said I'd never go alone."

Today, as I go limping back down the hallway to serve my family and care for my home, I'm overwhelmed with a thankful heart that God, for some reason, has trusted me with this huge responsibility. Thank you, Jesus, for this family. Please remind me every day that it's purpose is to bring glory to you alone.

What are you thankful for? Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. This too shall pass. :-)

    It can be difficult when Society is critical of the life we feel God has called us to live. And as you pointed out so well, even when we are following God's will for our lives there will still be hard times.

    Hang in there! Can't wait to hear all about Baby!


  2. Thank you, Char :) I just wrote this post a little over an hour ago and I'm already needing to re-read it...just one of those days!! I can always count on you for encouragement and I SOOO appreciate that :)

  3. Thanks for sharing! I've discovered the last year how much the enemy's voice creeps in and we don't know it because of the culture and what we are taught. I too had those thoughts about kids and now that I have had much healing from my issues and know God's love deeply and His voice vs. the others, I am more content but also wish I had more children...It is what it is and I can encourage and support others with my time! I'm very happy that you are doing what you feel you are to do in spite of the pain!
    I would love to help you in anyway if you need it! :) Marilyn

  4. Thank you, Marilyn :) I really appreciate your friendship...and encouragement! :)

  5. I really needed this post today. We are in the midst of planning to gut and remodel an old farm house and We need to think about how much space we need for future children. We have only 2 right now and somedays that is more than enough but sometimes I hope for a quiverful:)

  6. Beautifully put! We are leaving our family in God's hands too while enjoying our two little ones. Somedays, I don't think I'm ready to go through pregnancy again, but the blessing is worth the pain...and God is with us. Thanks for the encouragement and I pray He sends you relief from the pain.

  7. It really is amazing how God's plan for each is unique. I wanted several children; couldn't have any naturally. But God gave me the most wonderful daughter through adoption that I could have ever wished for. She's God's plan for me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  8. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I know I always just reminded myself of what the end result would be when I was uncomfortable during my pregnancies. You are a blessed lady to have seven little ones to call you mama!

  9. I am so in the same boat! Thank you for being honest and sharing your heart... Lately I have been listening too often to those outside voices... I need to focus on God and leave the rest up to Him!

    I love the song "Voice of Truth" from Casting Crowns... puts things into perspective for me every-time... plus Jeremiah 29:11... I think I will read your post again... :P and I will be back to read it again these next two :)


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Mrs. Sarah Coller