
Monday, November 1, 2010

Blessed With Friends!

Friday, our family was blessed to have Lydia over for our first "Washington play date"! We met Lydia's family through our local homeschool co-op and are really enjoying getting to know her parents and other siblings.

Lynzie and Lydia are just a little over a year apart and are already showing signs of a close friendship! They like to write letters back and forth during the week, hang out at gymnastics on Thursdays, and even try to get in a quick chat while passing in the halls during Friday School!

The girls had a great time dressing up in the Revolutionary War era dresses that I made Lynzie. (We're going to have to make Lydia a special one just for her though as she was swimming in this one! So cute though!)

After capturing their sweet faces on film, I sent them off back to 1776. While I was puttering around the house cleaning, I could hear them playing in the room. First, Lynzie taught Lydia the Minuet. Then Lydia taught Lynzie to waltz. Then Lydia says, "I can breakdance!" Ha!! (Just a quick time-travel...then right back to the 18th century!)

The girls soon were out playing the piano in the living room. Lynzie played Christmas music...

While Lydia played a couple beautiful songs that her dad taught her "when she was little"...

They both played a couple hymns as well and then they were back to the bedroom to dance at the ball. After a few minutes, I heard them out in the hall---they had gotten Lynzie's brothers and sisters to come play too:

(A knock on the door...) "Oh please may we come in?! We're fleeing from the Black Plague and we are..." (Lydia whispers to Lynzie: "who are we again??") "...We are George Washington's daughters!" (Door opens...) "Oh thank you! Bless you!"

What a blessed day!

See more Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness, Sarah! Lydia is the daughter of one of my dearest and closest friends; Karla! I have known her since she was in the womb......well, I've known about her since then lol! I can't believe you know Karla! We are also very close friends with Rana and Kyle Engleson, so our kids have taken gymnastics from Rana over the past two years & we have known them for about 6 years. We went to the first gymnastics meeting in September at Riverfront Park, but had to "ax" something from the schedule so that was it. Rana and her kids meet with us on Fridays for a little Egypt, language arts & math studies. Her husband works for my husband. SMALL WORLD!!!!! Loved all the pictures!
    Blessings to you,


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Mrs. Sarah Coller