
Friday, November 11, 2011

Homemade Candy Giveaway!!

I've been busy busy making candy for my new Etsy shop!  I used to make fudge, carmels and other sweets for my mom's local candy store and have decided now to try and sell some online.  I've done really well so far with several orders coming in both on the site and from local friends.  I've got a couple yummy varieties in there now and plan on adding several more throughout the weekend.

To celebrate my new shop, and the fact that I've won several giveaways myself lately, I want to offer the opportunity for one of my readers to win an order of my fresh, homemade candy!  Don't think you can hold out long enough to win a batch?  Use this special discount code and place your order at 10% off today!  This code will be valid through the end of November:  NOV2011
Here's how to win...please leave a separate comment for each step completed. You can do one, some or all of the steps to enter and you don't have to be a follower to win!  Winner will be chosen on November 27th---please make sure I have a way to contact you!!

1.  Leave a comment on this post telling me what flavor of carmels and/or fudge you would like to see in my shop.

2.  Become a follower of this blog.

3.  Subscribe by email (this one gets you 3 entries!)

4.  Put my giveaway button on your blog.  (See below)

5.  Put either my blog button or my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend button on your blog (up to two entries for this one)

6.  Blog about this giveaway with a link back.  (this one gets you 3 entries too!)

7.  Like my shop's Facebook page here 

8.  Visit my shop here

Don't have a blog?  Feel free to email me and let me know what steps you completed and I will enter you in the appropriate number of times!  Here's that button and Good Luck!


  1. I'd love to see classic vanilla, toffee, & coffee caramel, & mint fudge!
    Thanks for a chance to win this delicious giveaway!

  2. I follow in GFC!
    Thanks for a chance to win this delicious giveaway!

  3. I'm an email subscriber, too! 1
    Thanks for a chance to win this delicious giveaway!

  4. I'm an email subscriber, too! 2
    Thanks for a chance to win this delicious giveaway!

  5. I'm an email subscriber, too! 3
    Thanks for a chance to win this delicious giveaway!

  6. Your candy looks delicious. I am not sure what flavor to suggest for your shop, but since I cannot have chocolate/caffeine I am certain I would like to see something I could eat. :) The majority of candies and treats and desserts are laced with chocolate so I don't often get any. (Probably not a bad thing!) (:

  7. Well,I did a few of those things to try and win that peanut butter chocolate fudge. Yummie!

  8. Liked your shop on facebook!

    kplp1111 at yahoo dot com

  9. Sarah, your candy looks delicious. I would like peanut butter chocolate fudge in your shop. I am glad to say I am now a follower.

    I hope I am lucky.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  10. I'm a fan of vanilla, but my oh my those look good.

  11. Hi Sarah,
    What a generous giveaway! You already have my favorite - peanut butter/chocolate fudge, so I'm not sure what to suggest! Congratuations on opening your Etsy shop!

  12. I'm already a follower of your darling blog!

  13. I "liked" your page on facebook and visited your Etsy shop!

  14. ...and now I've posted your regular blog button and your Weekend Link-up button to my blog! Thanks for the chance to win and also thank you for inviting me to join your link-up party! Have a wonderful week, Sarah!
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. Oh my gosh! I love caramel and chocolate-nothing fancy for me! I do love maple fudge or maybe a cookies and cream fudge! I bet you make some delicious candy!


  16. I like carmel and mint fudge or rocky road.. just about anything.
    THanks for the giveaway!

  17. I am a new follower.

  18. I "like" ur shop on FB.

  19. I visited your shop..and it is looks awesome. Have never heard of strawberry fudge but it looks awesome.

  20. Mmmm yum! I love fudge especially with one with lots of nuts. Great giveaway, Sarah!..Christine

  21. I am a follower now...Christine

  22. I have your banner on my side bar. It's the "I was Featured" which links back to you. Does that count?

  23. I like your Facebook...Christine

  24. I'm going to follow you on Fb. I love all fudge, specially the ones nutty! wow! Hugs, FABBY

  25. I'm taking your button giveaway to my side bar, tight NOW!!
    Hugs, FABBY

  26. I'm a big fan of dark chocolate fudge with nuts and pb chocolate fudge. :)

  27. Your linkup button is on my sidebar 1

  28. Your linkup button is on my sidebar 2


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read each one of them and love to respond back to those who visit! Please consider signing up for EMAIL NOTICES so you'll have a reminder of our weekly HOMEMAKING PARTY---and more! Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. Sarah Coller