
Friday, December 2, 2011

Easy Petits Fours Recipe and Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Good Evening! Wow, where has the time gone? I have to admit, it's been a crazy busy week! It's 1:00 a.m. on Friday and I am ready for bed!! I'm going to sort of cheat a little this week and offer up an old post.

My recipe for Easy Petits Fours is, by far, my most popular post. I have people coming to that post every single day! It's very popular on Google Search---Ha! So, here you go!

When you're done reading the recipe, please make sure and read about my blogging friend, Cindy at Blessings From Cindy, and the gorgeous craft idea she came up with! Her Craft Blotter is so easy---you could make one today for a Christmas gift---and make one tomorrow for yourself!

Have a lovely weekend and thanks for linking up with my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend!

For several years, I would make these really easy petits fours for different church functions.  I hadn't made them in a long time but was thinking about them the other day and thought they'd make a good blog post, as well as a yummy treat for my friends at our homeschool co-op today!  Here's how you can make a simple petit four with basic ingredients and supplies you likely have on hand.

 Begin with a boxed Pound Cake mix and the ingredients mentioned on the back (eggs, water, etc.)  You will also need a package of vanilla almond bark and food coloring if desired.

Line a jelly roll pan with parchment paper.  I like to spray the pan with nonstick spray or water first to help the paper stick to the pan and not roll up.  Mix your cake ingredients according to the directions on the box, spread batter into pan, and bake at 350 for 15-20 min. or until done and lightly golden brown.  

Let the cake cool completely and then cut it into squares with a sharp knife.  You will likely not cut into the parchment paper but if you are concerned about that you can turn the cake out onto a cutting board and remove the paper first.  Pound Cake is very easy to cut into nice squares thus eliminating the need for an actual petit four pan.

When cake is completely cooled, break half the package of almond bark into a bowl and microwave at 30 sec. intervals, stirring in-between.  I like to add some oil or shortening too to make dipping easier.  When it is completely melted, you can mix in some food coloring if you'd like.

Using a fork, dip the cake into the coating to cover it completely.  The coating gets thicker as it cools so you may find yourself having to spoon the coating onto the cake and then tap the excess off on the side of your bowl.  Transfer the coated petit four to wax or parchment paper.

If you desire a decoration on top, add it as soon as you place the cake on the paper to cool.  Almond Bark sets up pretty quickly and you want your decoration to stick.  I found these pearly candies at Target in the Easter section.

Once the coating has hardened, you are all done!  I got several compliments on these today from my homeschooling mom friends!  In the past, I've taken the time to fill them with jelly or frosting.  This makes for a much taller petit four, but one could always cut the cake in half before filling---although this will make it less stable as the cake will be pretty thin.  Have fun making these and make sure to send me pictures of your own creations!

Make sure and visit Cindy's blog, Blessings from Cindy to learn how to make this adorable Craft Blotter:

   Cindy's instructions are super easy and the project is made from things you probably already have around the home! Thank you, Cindy!

Linking up today with Beverly's Pink Saturday!


  1. Sarah~
    Your petits fours are lovely & easy!! Thank you so much for featuring my craft blotter! I am honored that you wanted to use my idea in your blog & will add your "featured" button to my blog proudly! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am going to have to try these! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Your petit fours look so pretty and delish, Sarah. Thanks for sharing the directions on how to make them.....Christine

  4. Hi Sarah..I has always wanted to make these and thanks to you I think I am going to do it.
    It doesn't seem too hard and the end result is gorgeously delicious!!!
    Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  5. HPS!

    This is such a great baking recipe!
    It's easy and those sweets look awesome!


  6. Hi Sarah,
    I hope you're having a good weekend!! I linked up my giveaway in case anyone wants to join in the fun. And I will head over to see Cindy!!!

    I hope you enjoy the book!

  7. Yummy!

    Pink with Puzzle time, looking forward to see you when you get a chance. Thank you!

  8. Those look really good, Sarah! I admire your cooking and baking abilities. I'm not very talented in the kitchen! have a good Sunday!
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. Yummy! I love the pink cakes!

  10. I love the little cakes, they look so yummy!

  11. One of the absolutely magical things of my childhood in the South---we called them Individual Iced Cakes, and even ordering them from the bakery was an important moment in the process of a party.

    And I do believe, that besides Hoop Cheese and Fairy Doors, the Individual Iced Cakes post has been the most popular on my own blog as well.

    Perhaps we all retain some of that magic of the lovely little Fairy Food, ethereal and exquisitely made, of long-ago parties.

    Thank you for the reminder AND for the recipe!


  12. Those petits fours sound yummy and look very pretty. They would make great gifts.

    -iggygirl (check out my blog #7)

  13. I know this may sound silly, but I've never heard of petit fours. They look good, and I like that you made the almond bark pink with colored dye. I'll have to try these sometime in the future.

  14. These look wonderful!

    Mrs. White
    The Legacy of Home


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read each one of them and love to respond back to those who visit! Please consider signing up for EMAIL NOTICES so you'll have a reminder of our weekly HOMEMAKING PARTY---and more! Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. Sarah Coller