
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Strengthened by the Service of Others

"He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength." 
                                       ~Isaiah 40:29

Yesterday morning I felt weak.
The demands of homemaking and mothering have been weighing heavy since I had Brenna six weeks ago and I just didn't think I could handle the day planned for me.  When I did get the opportunity to glance up at the clock after what seemed like hours of morning duties, I realized it was only 8:00 a.m.!  The thought of such a long day ahead was overwhelming.

Jamie and I have lived in Eastern Oregon almost our entire lives.  A few years ago, we had the opportunity to spend about 18 months in the Seattle area.  When we had to move back to Oregon, it was a huge disappointment and we've all been living in a little bit of a depression ever since.
One blessing about the move, however, is that we've been able to live within a couple blocks of my mom.  She is, of all our family, the most involved in our lives, and often takes the kids for a day of fun at Grandma's.
What a relief and a blessing it was to be able to ask her to take the eight oldest for the day.  It was humbling to ask for that day of rest but the baby and I needed it badly and I am able to handle today a lot better than I would have otherwise.

God does give us strength when we ask for it.  Often times, it comes through the blessed service of the people He's placed around us.

Thank you, Mom, for loving your family by serving them.  I have a lot to learn from you!

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This article was published in the 99th edition of The Christian Home Magazine.


  1. She is wonderful, and beautiful. Love this post. :)

  2. Thank you for being REAL. Everyone has hard days. I think I would need lots of naps if I had 9 kiddos. :)

  3. What a sweet gift from your Mother. I can't even imagine how tired you must get with such a large family to care for. I'm from a family of 8 children and I was second oldest. We had to help my Mom a lot with the youngest and the chores, but it is a wonderful way to grow up in such a large family. Praying God fill you with the strength and rest you need.

  4. Having a mother-in-law close by has been such a blessing to me and our five little ones! I hope you find restful moments throughout your day:)

  5. Mothers are precious gifts. My mom helped me for years when I had to work part time. To not have to leave my precious daughters with strangers was one of the greatest gifts she's ever given me. Blessings from Hungry for God today!

  6. You are doing the most important thing in the whole world to be raising a family for the Lord. I know that this is your desire, and I appreciated your honesty because we all have days like that and it is an encouragement to know that others are tired, and need to reboot in the Lord's strength too.

    Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week. Have a wonderful week!!


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Mrs. Sarah Coller