
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Titanic Tea Party with Homeschool Lesson Plan Ideas

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is that we have all the time in the world to do fun things at the drop of a hat.
We're all history buffs around here so I try and find creative ways to fit a history lesson into whatever other things we're working on.  I love to incorporate historical facts with Bible truths for fun devotionals for my kids.
A few days ago, we had a Titanic Tea Party.  I made them an invitation and had them dress up in their fanciest costumes.  They all came upstairs and sat around the tea table and I handed them each a character card. 
 I put a picture of an actual Titanic passenger on one side and a short biography on the other.
Avalon was the nurse and stewardess, Violet Jessop.  Lynzie got her all fixed up in her nurse's apron and cap.  By the way, Avalon will be 4 this Friday, March 1st!
Selah portrayed Mrs. Sylvia Caldwell, a missionary who claimed to have heard a crew member say, "God himself could not sink this ship", upon boarding the Titanic.
Elisha was American businessman, Benjamin Guggenheim.  We all agreed that Guggenheim acted most heroically by refusing to take a place on the ship that could be given to a woman.  He went down bravely and in his best clothing.
Michael was Captain Smith.  While the Captain made some bad choices that might have led to the Titanic's demise, he ultimately did the right thing by staying with his ship and taking responsibility for the disaster.
Cainan thought it was pretty awesome to be John Jacob Astor, the richest man in the world at the time---until he found out that Astor, like the other men at the table, did not survive the sinking.
Lynzie had studied the Titanic's history previously so she was familiar with her favorite character, the "unsinkable" Molly Brown and her bravery in trying to convince those on her lifeboat to go back and look for survivors.  Isn't her dress perfect for the occasion?  We found it at a yard sale last summer---love it!
They took turns "introducing themselves" and then I gave a lesson linking up the prominent passengers' actions or attitudes with Biblical truths.  It was a lot of fun and I think it got them thinking about issues like pride, duty, and priorities.
We used this set of Abingdon china that my mom gave me.  I believe it was put out in the 1960s.  
We love to use it for Lynzie's birthday tea parties, as well as whenever we have special guests.  I figured the Titanic passengers would enjoy a little "Grape Kool-Aid Tea" and banana bread.
It was a great party and a fun learning experience.  See the pretty doily under the bread plate?  Elisha made that for me last weekend.  I love it!

Thanks to the girls at NextGen Homeschool for featuring this post

I hope you'll join me for this week's Homemaking Linkup.  I love to feature some of the neat posts that are linked up so please make sure and put my button or a text link on your blog so you'll be eligible to be featured!


Here are a couple of my favorites from last week's linkup:

Melody at Countrified Hicks shared her easy recipe for Pumpkin Muffins using a Spice Cake mix.  I can't wait to try it out!
This article on The Benefits of Fresh Air got me craving a brisk walk outside!  Visit Healthy Body Equals Healthy Mind for inspiration. 

Thanks to everyone for the great posts!  

Now for the linkup.  Please remember to return the favor by adding my button or a text link to your post.  Have a great weekend!


Hope In Every Season is on Facebook!  If you like what you've read here, please follow me and keep up with the latest posts.



  1. Love this! So fun! Can you be my mama?

  2. We laughed so hard at this! How Fun!! Cainan and Avalon tied in our vote for the best costume!

  3. Way to rock a history lesson, Momma.

  4. Luv it! I used to do this with Anne of Green Gables material for my daughter.. Great memories !

    And HapPy Birthday, Avalon :))

    Thanks for the invite, Sarah!

  5. I am so honored to have been featured here. I have already added your button to my post. Thank you so much and thank you for hosting again!

  6. So glad you shared your homemaking weekend link-up with us at NextGen Homeschool and shared your Titanic Tea Party on our "What's Working Wednesday" link-up party! What a fabulous idea, and it looks like so much fun! I look forward to participating so please add me to your reminder list.
    Renée at NextGenHomeschool

  7. Thanks for the reminder! The party looks great. Not sure what happened to my first comment if two show up sorry! lol Visiting from

  8. Sarah,
    I love how everyone looks all dressed up celebrating Tea on the Titanic!!
    Here is a link showing a Titanic tea that I went to at the Stegmaier mansion 2 years ago. Maybe the children would like seeing Tea in a real Victorian mansion!!

    Thanks for hosting!!


  9. Wow, what a fun idea. Love how authentic your tea party looked! I want to attend! :)

  10. Hi Sarah!
    Thanks for hosting such a lovely party! The Titanic party looks wonderful too :) Your children are so beautiful!

  11. Oh, Sarah! Your post made me miss homeschooling SO much! (my kids are grown and gone) I loved homeschooling- the post makes me want to do a 'tea' with all the former adult homeschoolers I know, just for nostalgia sake...

    Thank you for the opportunity to link up!

  12. I plan to share your marvelous homeschooling lesson plan with my friends. So creative, and it's apparent that the children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity. THanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  13. Sarah the good Lord knew what he was doing when he made you to be a lovely, family mother. You are one of the most amazing ladies I have had the privilege to know. I do so enjoy seeing what you and family are doing. The kids are all so precious and adorable.

  14. Oh I love this too! Now I want to do a tea party lol

  15. So wonderful post! You are an amazing mother and your sweet family is so adorable!
    Thanks so much for the fun party.It's a pleasure share my pouches.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  16. What a fun lesson! I saw in the news yesterday that a wealthy man is rebuilding the Titanic exactly. The passenger list is already booking and Molly Brown's grand daughter has booked a spot. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and for hosting!

  17. The lessons learned from the Titanic are great learning tools! I have been involved in teas and dinners an this is really educational and fun! What wonderful children! I thought you were probably a home schooler. Thanks for linking to Friends Sharing Tea.

  18. Hello there...I'm visiting from the link up at Joyfully Serving. It is so nice to meet have a beautiful family.

    Being a history lover (I won't say buff because there's alot I still don't know) I really enjoyed your post. What a lovely time you had!

    I'm very glad I found your looks like a nice place to visit. I'll be back.

    God bless!

  19. Love this idea.. The kids look like they had a fabulous time. And they are so darling, so precious in their costumes. Such a pretty table. it's wonderful that you shared all the pretty pieces with them. They will grow up with a great appreciation for them. xo marlis

  20. What a wonderful way to do a living history lesson! Tell Lynzie is she does a search on my blog she will see a post about Molly Brown's house in Denver, Colorado that I wrote last year. She was an amazing woman!

  21. Oh my, you guys truly knows how to do a party!

    My Pink
    Your comment will be greatly appreciated.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  22. I think you are very inspiring teaching your children about the past. The Titanic taught the world a great deal about humanity and looking after others. Your Titanic party looks like so much fun and I bet that your children will remember it forever. I love the costumes

  23. How fun this must have been.
    Now, I want to watch the movie again. :)

  24. As an educator, I give you an A+ on this fabulous lesson and activity. Not only did the kids learn, but they had a fabulous and memorable time. I am in love with this idea. I will be incorporating this role playing with my two kids this year for sure. You are an amazing mom and educator. Thanks for hosting this fabulous party! I am all linked up.

    Paula, your newest follower
    Ivy & Elephants

  25. You have such a beautiful family and it's no wonder you are their educator..congrats to you. Your children look so happy and so loved, they will make wonderful adults with great values, taught at home. Thank you for the invite lovely lady and lots of blessings in this great path you chose for your dear family. How fun, your parents married in LV too...small world! I loved your visit. Big hugs,

  26. I so enjoyed this post! Your children are amazing and are so fortunate to have a mother who takes the time to actually teach them wonderful things. I did not home school my children, but we spent so many hours at the public library picking out books and researching things in which they were interested, I think the rest of the public thought we all worked there!

  27. Sarah - I lost my first comment (typed something incorrectly). I love your post - what an awesome family - and great idea for teaching history, morals, character and all. I was showing my husband the photos and explaining a little of each - he admires your homeschooling and family. Ditto. The kids are all beautiful and handsome (respectively). And, creative. Happy Birthday to Avalon!

    Great post!
    Linking up with you.

    Thanks. (Let's see if I can type correctly to finish this off!)
    (I left off a letter last time!)

  28. Hello Sarah!!
    A happy birthday to your sweet daughter! And I think this post is the neatest thing I've ever heard. You've been able to make a teaching lesson on Biblical character into a family memory!! Awesome!! They each look so wonderful in their own outfits, and I know they'll always remember who they portrayed and the character qualities of each one. Excellent concept and action on that!! I'm thrilled that you joined me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!

  29. Oh my, what a sweet Titanic Tea party. Happy birthday Avalon. Four years old is a very grown up age. all your photos are darling Sarah. Your family has wonderful parents. I mean it.
    Happy weekend.
    xo, Jeanne

  30. Great theme party!

    Popped in from Pink Saturday.

  31. Hello,
    My name is Lynn Spencer.
    I am your pal in Sue's Easter
    Swap! I can't wait to make a new
    online friend. I have two grown
    children. My husband and I are on year 31 in our marriage! We started dating when I was 15!
    We share our home with three spoiled rotten dachshunds or doxies! We had 4 until last Sunday when our precious 14 year old Pebbles passed away! This has been a very hard week for both my husband and I, but especially him. dachshunds love their whole families but they will choose one person to really bond with,and Pebbles chose my husband! He loved her so much and she loved him! Her whole attitude would change when he pulled into the driveway each day when he came home from work. She would meet him at the door with a toy to give him. It has been rough but we still have 3 more and they are providing lots of extra love this week.
    I can't wait to find out what style of items you like. I am a vintage,old, antique, the older the better. I do not like modern style at all.
    have a wonderful week and look forward to hearing from you!

  32. What an original and adorable idea! It sure looks like you have a lot of fun in your home!

  33. I've set up a new way to share all of the wonderful blog parties out there! This is a great way to share your party with the world. :) I would love to have you link up tomorrow on The Linky Love Party at:
    The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

  34. wow, amazing party! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  35. What a lovely family you have, enjoyed your post and it's wonderful how you do your history lessons. Something they will never forget. God bless...

  36. That sounds like such a fun(and educational!) activity. I love seeing history come alive.

  37. How much fun to be n your home! Thank you for sharing!

  38. Brilliant! Wow! I am so thrilled to see what you have done here with your Titanic tea. We home schooled as well, and it was precisely these experiences that made it so wonderful! Each one of your children looked engaged in their part. Avalon is amazing as the nurse! The fact that they all had character cards makes it really amazing.
    Your mother's china is lovely, and worked perfectly for your tea.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  39. Hi: You remind me of my homeschool years. I homeschool through high school. Great story and thank you for your prayers. Blessings, Martha

  40. I loved your tea party! What a great way to combine History and Bible lessons! I know it takes a lot of work to do things like this but it's so worth it! I'm sure your children will never forget lessons and memories such as this! Did you incorporate some math while preparing the kool-aid and bread? Have a blessed week, Tammy!

  41. Goodness your kidlets look absolutely adorable! Happy late birthday to your litte Avalon. I bet with such a creative momma her birthday was one she will always remember. I love having tea with my children and have done so since they were very little. It's a special time together, isn't it? How lucky you have you mother's chine. That must be very special.
    Hugs. :)

  42. What a fabulous idea. Great post. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  43. Hello there Sarah,

    What a truly precious and delightful post!

    Congrats on teaching your precious and capable children and in a such fun, memorable manner while homeschooling... What children wouldn't want this as a part of their education, mixed with valuable life lessons, drama and fun?... Your Titanic tea setting vignette and cast of capable students/characters is simply delightful.

    Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Have a marvelous and a blessed, creative, wonderful productively fun week.

    Hugs,blessings and cheers,
    Wanda Lee

  44. What a wonderful post and great idea for a history lesson. I think it's really delightful to see your sweet children dressed up as Titanic characters. I am visiting from Tea Time Tuesday. Blessings. Pamela

  45. What a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading and looking at all the children and the costumes. Andi the wednesday baker

  46. What a fun way to teach about an important historical event. I too love history. Their costumes were wonderful and I enjoyed reading about each one. When vacationing in Denver with my sisters we visited Molly Browns home. It was so interesting. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  47. what a wonderful post. i love the details and effort you and your kids put in this lesson. your kids are adorable. i'm visiting from Pink Saturday.

  48. Hi Sarah!
    Thanks for sharing your linky party on The Linky Love Party at:

    And I'm so glad you shared this post on The HomeAcre Hop! See you on the next hop at:

  49. Love your creativity, with teaching and engaging your children!

  50. What a fun party to have! It looks like everyone had a great time. thank you for sharing at TTF.

  51. Good morning Sarah,
    What a fun and educational party! I'm sure the children had a wonderful time. Pretty china and cute outfits! Thank you so much for coming to tea. I was hoping to link up with you but Blogger won't let me at the moment. Have a lovely weekend.


  52. What a fun and fascinating event!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  53. I loved this the first time I saw it and love it even more now!! What fun wonderful memories!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read each one of them and love to respond back to those who visit! Please consider signing up for EMAIL NOTICES so you'll have a reminder of our weekly HOMEMAKING PARTY---and more! Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. Sarah Coller