
Monday, April 8, 2013

Michael's Bathrobe

My son Michael has a bathrobe.

Michael's bathrobe is the plague of my life.

Every time I turn around, I see Michael's bathrobe.

Has Michael's bathrobe ever been hung up in his closet?  I don't think so.
This morning, I got up and saw that Michael's bathrobe was on the piano.  Does Michael's bathrobe belong on the piano?  No.  Have I told him this before?  Yes.  How many times?  Waaay too many to count.

I could get really irritated about Michael's bathrobe.  I could yell at Michael, get grouchy with Michael, ground Michael from his bathrobe, give it to a younger brother who will put it away when it's not being worn.
However, one of these days, Michael won't leave his bathrobe out anymore.

Michael will not even be able to fit one arm through his bathrobe.

I will pack Michael's bathrobe away into a box of memories somewhere.

I will wish to wake up and find Michael's bathrobe on the piano again.


  1. I have a picture of My little Joey in his bathrobe doing mazes with gramma Betty. Oh, how I wish my mom were still here and Joey was that little boy in his yellow bathrobe! Now I am sobbing this morning. I am glad you are appreciating your kids while they are little. They grow up so fast!

  2. Yes, this perspective often covers over the little things that annoy me too! Cute pictures! Blessings to you, Rachael @ Inking the Heart

  3. Ah, yes, I remember those days. Too soon, the bath robe was packed away and I'm wishing I could find it on the floor once again. They grow up waaay too fast! Thank you for your thought provoking post. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


  4. I have the same outlook on some things especially in light of the craziness happening lately! I know that one day I will look at my house and wish there was clutter and for now, I will gladly take it! Thanks for sharing and reminding me to be thankful for messes! (did I just say that!)Thanks for sharing at frualfitfamily!

  5. Sarah, truer words could not be spoken!! They grow so fast and then they're gone on their own!!
    Keep that bathrobe to pass on to HIS little boy some day!
    I love the sentiment behind it too...such a boy thing!!
    And did you notice I can comment this week!!!

  6. Here, it's the socks. :( Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Come back and see us this week:

  7. You made the right decision. They grow up much too fast and you have nothing but memories to cherish.

  8. What a good perspective. I'm not that good. Thanks for playing Blue Monday.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sarah.

  9. Very sweet post and so very true! When my kids were little I used to lament the toys laying around. Now when I go for a walk in our field or woods and I happen upon a old broken down long forgotten toy- I am sad and depressed that they are no longer little and wish I was still stepping on legos and tripping over footballs!

    I invite you to link up every Friday at

  10. Kids! What can we say? I have college kids and they don't know how to dump the trash, pick up dishes! I would love a bathrobe on the piano, if I had a piano! LOL! Your post was terrific, great kid you have there!

  11. What an awesome post to remind us of how quick they really do grow up. I found you on the Some of the Best Things in Life are Mistakes Link up, if you get time check out my page,

  12. I loved this post!!!I especially
    liked Michael's grin at the end. My 'little' boy has outgrown everything he didn't pick up!!

  13. So cute Sarah. What a smart mom you are to realize that he will be grown before you know it. Cherish each and every moment. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. :) Thanks for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
    Hope to see you again today. :)

  15. Ahhh, perspective! Should it keep us from training our children to be tidy? No, but it can CERTAINLY prevent us from becoming maniacs while they learn! :D

    Thanks for linking this up this week.

  16. Hi Sarah
    Thanks for sharing Michaels story with us at my Celebrate Your Children Blog Hop today.
    Angel @


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Mrs. Sarah Coller