
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blessed at Home #11: What's Working Right Now

Thanks for stopping by Blessed at Home.  Please visit the Contributor Page to read more about this excellent ministry from some of your favorite homemaking bloggers.

Today's featured contributor is Me!

DSC_0082Sarah Coller, Hope In Every Season
I’m Sarah Coller, just a regular girl saved from her sins by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Married to Jamie for 15 years and mother to nine sweet blessings, ages 13 down to newborn, I stay busy homemaking and homeschooling.  My passion is creating a comfortable and peaceful home for my husband and children. 

From focusing on having the house clean and beautiful, to making sure the kitchen is stocked, to preparing yummy meals at mealtime, I know my role as a homemaker is very important.  More than all that, though, my main focus is cultivating a sweet spirit, a kind tone of voice, and a heart willing to bless.  In addition to creating fun and useful things with my endless stash of found items, I also enjoy reading classic novels, thrifting, tea, and all things British.  Thankful for God’s saving grace, I hope to leave a legacy that reflects His faithfulness.  I blog at Hope In Every Season.
HopeIn Every Season started out as a cheeky response to friends who were harassing me to start a blog.  In fact, it’s original name was, I Don’t Wanna Blog. Over the last five years, it’s grown into a wonderful ministry and a springboard for many great friendships.  I feature Biblical devotions, vintage and antique finds, crafts and DIY, book reviews, and fun glimpses into the life of our happy family.
Today's topic is, What's Working Right Now

Sarah, Hope In Every Season

This summer has just flown by and now it's time to start thinking about getting back into a regular homeschooling schedule.  One thing that works best for these times is for me to remember that I'm under no obligation to do anything besides that which God has called me to.  Sometimes I can get overwhelmed trying to make my schedule mesh with everyone else's, but the important thing is that I make sure our home is running smoothly and comfortably---and often times, that requires saying "no" or "wait" to outside activities and influences.

Tauna, Proverbial Homemaker

I have a hard time keeping up with the housework. What's working right now is a simple schedule that I can remember off the top of my head. 

- Menu Plan Monday
- Toilet Tuesday (bathroom cleaning)
- Wipe and Wash Wednesday (windows, dust, extra laundry loads)
- Thoroughly Clean Thursday (massive bedroom cleaning)
- Floor Friday (mop and vacuum)
- Special Project Saturday (this week is pantry decluttering)

- Sabbath Sunday

When I get off track I can stop and remember what day it is, and simply get on track again. It is just the right level of easy for my mom-brain to handle!

Mrs. Smith, Just a Country Girl

Every home and every family does things differently.  As mothers, we
have to find what works in our homes, according to each family member, and what needs to be done.  With each new baby, we have to readjust slightly and fall into a new rhythm. 

Every season brings a different set of things that need to be done, new schedules to adjust to, etc.
Life is all about change.  But life is also about the right now.

What works in my home right now?  Well, the boys and I try to start our days with devotions first and foremost.  We use the Veggie Tales Day Started Devos for Boys right now.  We usually delve into a lengthy discussion, and then we wrap it up with prayer.  My boys also enjoy watching some of the
episodes off my "7th Heaven" DVD's because there are some great morals and values on there.  In fact, just this morning, we watched an episode about a soldier who was killed at war, and discussed the
importance of these people who sacrifice their lives for us.  It was a great educational tool!

Most of what works in our home is the fact that we work together.  We have 3 large gardens, we are working on a new chicken coop/yard, and the boys realized that mom can't do every single ounce of cleaning after all these men alone.  Our daily routine includes some chores, lots of togetherness and some fun time, as well.  The boys learn the importance of not only working together, but respecting each other and others' belongings.  They learn that nothing is free.  Dad goes to work every day, so they help out at home where they can so that the family can function and gain the things they need.

The older boys are also great helpers in watching the baby if I need to hang out the laundry or squeeze in a shower.  They understand that if they just help out for a short time, they have lots of leftover time to splash in the pool or play on the swings.

Soon it will be harvest time, and we will experience yet another shift in life.  We will all pull together to get all the food put up for winter, while beginning the homeschooling routine again; then the cold and snow will arrive and life will shift yet again.  But through it all, what seems to work is working together.  Love, respect and quality time.  That's what works for us.

Kate, Teaching What Is Good

Our family is one of flux and change. We are the Gumby Family: flexible, changeable and able to go with the flow. The up side of that is that we seldom feel caught off guard. The down side is that we can often go for long periods of time getting nothing done!

What is working right now are the things the Lord has His finger on. Namely: Order!

Not that our home is in order, but that our home is growing toward order. I'm learning more each day how to arrange my days so that all of the tasks I believe the Lord is calling me to do that day get done. I'm learning how to use lists and to find comfort and help in them. And I'm learning that sleep is simply not a luxury! I cannot function anymore (it was easier when I was in my 20s, 30s and 40s to set aside care for my body) on 4 hours of sleep. And I'm learning to make midnight the absolute limit for getting to bed.

I'm sure that to outsiders we would NOT look like Order is the growing area. But compared to where we were, it is REALLY working. 

I love that following the Lord is a process. And this process is stretching and challenging me. But I feel strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, rather than in my own strength. Always a good place to be!

Misty, Simply Helping Him

Right now things are winding down for us. We're on a month's break from school prior to starting a new year. Baseball is over, and summer is *kind of* here in Maine.

I'm learning to enjoy slow start mornings, and find that I have less stress when I'm not running through my days.

I'm looking forward to a new schedule for the upcoming school year, one that is a lot more relaxed. After homeschooling for 3 years, I'm finally settling in.

So, what seems to be working for us right now is; slow stress-less days with plenty to do at our own pace, and new schedules on the horizon!
Judith, WholeHearted Home

Sometimes the only thing that's 'working right now' is trusting in the Lord. When everything in life seems to be tossing you around like the waves of the ocean, there are two verses that bring me the stability that I crave.

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." ~Proverbs 3:5,6

A few days ago there was a major change in my life that removed how I was spending my time. My whole life is about ministering to others, and when that is removed what remains is a huge gaping hole. When something is removed in your life, what works for you?

At the beginning of the year, God impressed on my heart to live a joy-filled life. That is easy when you are showered with blessings and special things happen in your life. The test comes when those things are removed and you find the waves crashing into you as you are pushed down in the churning sand.

So, what's working right now?

I'll tell you what's working. God is working. He has given me Comfort and solace, a peace-that-passes-all-understanding. A song in my heart, whispers of verses once read come to mind, and the will to press on joyfully when a tear slips from my eye.

The temptation of becoming bitter because God removed something in my life is just that; a choice and not an option. The chance to experience joy unspeakable through it all as I wait on God to unfold the purpose of my life. 

I will focus my eyes on the cross for in Christ is my strength and joy. That is what's working right now!!

"For this day is holy unto our Lordneither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength." ~Nehemiah 8:10


Even though I am a stay at home wife with all of my children grown and on their own, I still feel overwhelmed at times with my "to do" list.

What's working right now, is to keep my daily list of chores and errands as small as I comfortably can. I also remind myself that I have all the time in the world. A loved one reminded me of this fact just this morning. 

So, if I will choose my priorities and pray for a non-stressful day as I plug along with my to do list, I think I will feel more peaceful.

If my "in" basket ever gets empty, then I will have reason to be stressed. We all need to live our lives in such a way that our daily chores can be joyful instead of being in such a hurry to get stuff done.
What's working right now is me being thankful that I have been blessed with the time to be the stay at home wife which I dreamed about all during my working years.

May we all have peace and joy as we continue this day which the Lord gave to us.

Linking with:
Wisdom Wednesdays @Simply Helping Him
Winsome Wednesday @ My Daily Walk in His Grace
Whole-Hearted Home Wednesdays  
Encourage One Another @ Deep Roots at Home 
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Homemaking Link Up @ Raising Homemakers
What's Working Wednesday @ NextGen Homeschool 
Simple Living Wednesdays @ Our Simple Farm
Wednesday Link up at Adorned from Above
Shoe Lace Linkup @ Living In the Shoe
Home Link Up at Raising Arrows
Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Thriving Thursday @ Serving Joyfully
Homeacre Hop 
Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits @ Stone Gable  
Desire to Inspire @ A Royal Daughter
Think Tank Thursday @ Saving4Six 
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home 
Create It Thursday
Open House @ Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Inspiration Friday @ Dear Creatives
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Family Fun Friday @ Happy and Blessed Home
Farm Girl Friday @ Let This Mind Be In You
Fit & Frugal Family Friday
Faithful Fridays
Motivate Me Monday 
Modest Monday @ The Modest Mom 
Matrimonial Monday @ A Proverbs 31 Wife 
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill 
Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy 
Better Mom Mondays
Manic Monday @ Cupcake-n-Bake
Mommy Mondays
Making Your Home Sing Monday
Inspire Mondays
Teach Me Tuesday @ Growing Home
Character Connection
Women Helping Women @ Teaching What Is Good 
Domestically Divine @ Far Above Rubies
(Titus 2)s Days @ Time Warp Wife
Tending the Home Tuesday
Tuesday Link Up Party 


  1. This was a wonderful post! I love the honesty and real answers from these ladies-no formulaic, three-steps-to-happiness stuff!

    Thank you and have a blessed week!

  2. Your friends who pushed you into blogging must be super wise. ;)

    Great tips. :)

  3. It is a such a privilege to be able to share alongside other real, truth speaking women. Thank y'all for stoppin by! :) Blessings!

  4. I love Philippians 4:8. It is so good to focus on. Wonderful job, ladies. Linking with Simply Helping Him today. Kim


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Mrs. Sarah Coller