
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#ad Farmer Smurf's Battered Chicken Roll #TastyTenders #cbias

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. All opinions are honest and are my own.

If there's one thing we eat a lot of around our house, it's chicken. We love it in all forms and my kids, especially, love battered chicken tenders, nuggets, and strips. Tyson always has lots of options to help me make an easy dinner for kids that my husband and I enjoy too!

Last week, I found these battered tenders at Walmart in two varieties: Honey and Original. Our Walmart always puts the Tyson bagged chicken in the deep freezers between the meat wall and the aisles. It's fun to stop and see what new things they've got to offer---it seems like there's always something creative to try out.

While I was at Walmart, I noticed the new Smurfs2 movie on DVD. It's a real treat when my kids get to watch a movie while they're eating dinner---an event that is usually reserved for when I'm gone doing errands and Daddy's handling the evening routine. Now and then, though, I like to make them a themed meal or snack and let them veg out with a movie. 

When I fix them these chicken tenders, I'm going to serve them in a sandwich stuffed with fresh veggies and pesto and call them, Farmer Smurf's Battered Chicken Rolls. Farmer Smurf knows kids love bright and healthy snacks when they're presented in a fun way! 

I bought the original tenders and, I'll admit, I've already gotten into them without the kids. Twice. Yesterday I cooked up some to see how they were with some dipping sauce I had left over from my favorite restaurant. Absolutely wonderful! I love that they're made with white meat and no weird fillers. That really made for an authentic taste that didn't have that fast-food, mushy meat texture. 

I also liked that there wasn't a bunch of overdone seasonings and that the batter was light and crispy. There was definitely more chicken than batter. In my opinion, this is just how battered chicken should taste. Delish!

Today I put together a yummy sandwich roll for my lunch. I combined some of my favorite, flavorful ingredients to make this Batter Dipped Chicken Roll. I love pesto on just about anything and, combined with fresh veggies and some provolone cheese, it was the perfect compliment to my warmed chicken tenders.

It took just 12 minutes to cook the tenders in the oven. While they cooled a bit, I prepared the other ingredients: pesto, tomatoes, spinach, provolone cheese, bakery roll. I decided to slice the tenders in half so they'd lay nicely on the sandwich. It all went together in seconds and, paired with a handful of kettle chips, it was a satisfying and very tasty lunch!

Even though I thought I was being sneaky about digging into this bag of chicken before sharing it with my kids, my oldest son had his eye on me. As I was putting it back in the freezer, he asked me about it and said they looked awesome! Ok, fine, I'll share.

Make sure to check out the Smurfs2 at Walmart. It's just been released on DVD and Blu Ray and would make a great gift for Christmas or your family's next birthday.

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  1. This looks easy and very delicious. I especially liked the pesto and spinich idea!

  2. YUM!! That looks absolutely delicious! Such a creative and healthy use of the tenders!

  3. Love a good chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes! I've never had pesto on a sandwich. Basil is so easy to grow, I should try making some pesto next summer. Hope you children enjoy this delicious dinner! (I would!) =)

  4. Pesto is SOO awesome! I'd never had it until just this year and I am so hooked! We love to get ciabatta rolls and cut them in half, put pesto on both halves, add a slice of ham and slice of cheese and bake them in the oven for a bit. Oh yummy!! I want to make my own this summer, as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That looks so good for both kids and adults too! Fun! #client


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Mrs. Sarah Coller