
Monday, April 14, 2014

Making the Change to LED Power with GE Super Bright LED Lightbulbs #LEDSavings #shop #CollectiveBias

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. All opinions are honest and are my own.

Spring is always a time of change. Whether it's just a change of season or a complete household overhaul, the New Year adage, "Out with the old, in with the new" doesn't seem to really apply until springtime. In our home, we're making a significant change in our energy consumption that will have a lasting impact, by changing to super bright LED lightbulbs. LED power is the way to go if you're wanting to save money, conserve energy, and cut down on garbage in the landfills.

Last week, I was invited to try the new Energy Smart LED lightbulbs from GE. I'll admit--I've never spent so much for a lightbulb. However, once I realized that this bulb could run for over 22 years and save me $90 in energy costs, I thought about the hundreds of dollars that would save me by outfitting the whole house and I was sold!

GE's line of Energy Smart bulbs can be found near your old lightbulbs at Walmart. They're easy to spot in this bright green, white and blue packaging. Here's a coupon to get you started. (live through 5/1)

We are a homeschooling family and I love to turn new opportunities into learning experiences. I came up with a lesson for the kids to get them excited about energy conservation as well. 

There are lots of things a family can do to help cut down energy costs around the home:
  • Open curtains to bring in light and heat
  • Turn off lights and appliances when they're not in use
  • Don't run water down the sink unnecessarily when doing dishes or brushing teeth
  • Fill in gaps around trim, doors, and windows to keep an even temperature in the home

My husband and I are especially excited about the ways these bulbs are going to save us money. GE LEDs are definitely the new way to light!
  • 1 LED Bulb lasts as long as 15 traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Uses 80% less energy
  • $90 in energy savings per bulb
  • Lasts over 22 years (on average)
Here's a fun energy consumption calculator you can use to do your own life cycle cost analysis and see how your family will save using these new bulbs. I ran it for 10 bulbs and it said I'd save $39.75 per year in energy costs. With 22 years of use from each bulb, that means I'll be saving almost $800 after the cost of the bulbs!

Not only are they great for families as well as the environment, these incandescent bulbs also give off a "soft white" light just like my old ones do. I put my first bulb in this cute vintage lamp I found at an estate sale a couple years ago. By the time it needs changing, the bulb will be vintage and the lamp will be an antique!

For more on the GE Energy Smart line visit them online:


#LEDSavings #CollectiveBias


  1. Love the way you got your kids involved - teaching them about conserving energy is so important. My son is a bit young still to understand, but we're trying to teach him about turning off lights, unplugging technology, etc. :)

    1. Yeah, I can hear my mom's voice echoing: "Why are all these lights on? Shut the door---you're letting out the heat!" Ha! I never realized the importance though until I was the one paying the bills! :) Thanks for visiting!

  2. LEDs are a much smarter way to go - they last much much longer and are better for the enviroment. Thanks for the great post :) - ladyhawk from Swapbot

    1. I really appreciate you stopping by! Thanks, Taylor!

  3. Your kids look like they are having so much fun learning about GE LED Energy Smart bulbs! What a great homeschooling lesson to teach. #client

    1. Thanks, Heather. They love to learn, for sure!


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Mrs. Sarah Coller