
Friday, June 26, 2015

SCOTUS' Gay Marriage Ruling Just Did Christians a Huge Favor

Social media is buzzing today with the Supreme Court's ruling that gay marriage is now the law of the land. Pro-gays are cheering and anti-gays are angry and Christians are scouring Pinterest for end-of-the-world memes. My thoughts today have little to do with how I feel about homosexual marriage. In fact, even if you are one who is thrilled with today's ruling, there's no reason to take issue with anything this opponent of gay marriage has to say today. If you're as tolerant as most of you say you are then you'll likely be indifferent to my point of view. Just remember: if you don't like what I have to say, you need to suck it up and take your own medicine now...and be tolerant.

Any Bible-believing Christian (I'm talking about the real ones who actually take the Bible literally and accept it in it's entirety and don't take stuff out of context and build a doctrine around it and...) knows that anti-Biblical freedoms mean restrictions for those who live by the Word and we're understandably upset. But let me tell you why I'm not too upset. Besides the fact that we all pretty much knew this was coming, what some believers are missing is that the Supreme Court just did Christians a huge favor. 

SCOTUS turned on the light for us.

God has a way of turning bad stuff into good stuff and that's what's happened today. Every single hypocritical Conservative, pastor, church leader, Libertarian will now be exposed. No longer is gay marriage one of those things we can contemplate over coffee and finally agree to disagree about since there's really no right or wrong answer. People have a way of using law as an excuse. Have you ever heard anyone say, "Oh, I don't know. I mean, I hear what you're saying but I just don't think I should judge that 45 year old man for sleeping with that 10 year old girl." No? That's because, no matter what kind of "love relationship" they might have, the act is illegal. So it doesn't matter what we think about it---we always fall back on the law.

Now---well, hey! God's definition of marriage is no longer the way it goes in America! So good news, old man. America didn't just "redefine" marriage---we annihilated it. Anything is up for grabs now! If a man can marry a man, then a man can marry a dog, or his breakfast. Or a 45 year old man can marry a 10 year old girl---'cause it's all about tolerance.

On comes the light---and trust me, many of us will be using a spotlight. Every false leader, and false follower, for that matter, is about to be exposed.

This is not about love winning. Christian, do you love someone? Then tell them the truth about what God's word says regarding homosexuality. Tell them the truth about Jesus' love that is more than just fuzzy-feeling tolerance. It's a love deep enough that He allows us to sink so low that He's the only One who can pull us up. Be ready to share real love---the kind that is absolutely intolerant of sin. Because this happy new law is ushering in a wave of hurt like this country has never seen before. 

SCOTUS did us a favor today. They forced us out of the hiding place.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I deleted my first comment because I wanted to edit it. I agree that this will indeed expose fake Christians. I feel that this is indeed a sad day for America. This nation will be judged for it's actions. At first I didn't know where you were going. In my opinion God has the last word. There is nothing or noone that can change that. As hard as they may try...his word will remain the same. Some folks worry about being accepted by man...when they should be worried about being accepted by God. God does loves everyone...and he is a just God. His word is the law. And for the ones that are stomping on it...judgement is coming to all of us. My hope is indeed in Christ Jesus.

    2. I deleted my first comment because I wanted to edit it. I agree that this will indeed expose fake Christians. I feel that this is indeed a sad day for America. This nation will be judged for it's actions. At first I didn't know where you were going. In my opinion God has the last word. There is nothing or noone that can change that. As hard as they may try...his word will remain the same. Some folks worry about being accepted by man...when they should be worried about being accepted by God. God does loves everyone...and he is a just God. His word is the law. And for the ones that are stomping on it...judgement is coming to all of us. My hope is indeed in Christ Jesus.

  2. Beautifully said. I have been trounced today for my conservative beliefs. They will learn the truth soon.

  3. thank you. my daughter recently came out saying she is gay. I love her and I show her real love of Christ. With her being 19 there is time for God to turn her heart around and follow Him. we need to pray for our Country. I feel that many "Daniels" need to stand up for God's Word in America's Babylon. we knew this was coming but we also know who wins in the end. I find comfort in this.

    1. Amy you are an inspiration. Nothing can make us love our kids less just like God does not love her any less. Though we don't condone their sin we continue to love them with all our heart. Just keep praying God will open her eyes and heart and she will again walk with him. I will join you in praying for her.

  4. Dear friend, You have once again lived up to the title of your blog..."HOPE in every season". Thank you speaking hope-infused truth. God bless you and your sweet family! :)

  5. Thank you for expressing this so well... Through the years, in many countries and under many dictatorial rulers, God has refined the body of Christ.... as things get harder, only the truly committed believers will maintain God's standards... and may we all be strong enough to do that as we walk with Him. The "gloves are off"... we need to walk closely with our Lord and not be swayed by any wrong doctrine... we need to know the Word and be obedient to it. Thank you....

  6. Good post. Thank your for speaking the Light in the darkness. I wrote about it, too. We were born for such a time as this.
    Shine on sister!

  7. God help us! (And He will). Very well-written, Sarah. I followed a link here from Strangers and Pilgrims, I think it was.

  8. That was a great piece Sarah. I am going to share it. Thank you

  9. Thank you Sarah for your magnificent exposure. You've eased my heart somewhat.

    Hugs and blessings,


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Mrs. Sarah Coller