
Friday, February 12, 2016

Pretty Vintage Pitchers and Some Thoughts on Hospitality

Winter pretty much skipped us here in NW Arkansas this year so I'm packing away the winter time decorations and pulling out the spring stuff! I'm definitely a cold weather girl but the one consolation about nice weather is there are more flea markets and thrift sales to visit. The past couple weeks, I've picked up two pitchers at two of my favorite thrift shops. I found this pretty pink one today.

I love things that show a little (or a lot!) wear---chippy pottery, worn leather---I like to imagine that they've been well-used and well-loved. 

I was thinking about these pitchers today as I worked on redecorating my living room for spring---thinking about how they represent me as a homemaker and my desire to offer hospitality to those God would bring to my home. I've always been nervous about hospitality as I worry my home isn't big enough, or my couches are uncomfortable, or that I won't know what to talk about with my guests. These chipped pitchers, the pink one that is barely pink anymore, they're vessels that aren't perfect but are still beautiful---and still very much able to fulfill the purpose for which they were made.

Like these pitchers, I can be filled so that I can pour out. When I'm running low, I can be refilled so I can continue fulfilling my purpose. It's ok if me and my home are not perfect. My willingness to be hospitable is beautiful to the Lord and He will honor my efforts.


  1. Very true words and I love the pitchers!

    1. They're cute, aren't they? I think it's gonna be a theme for awhile!

  2. Love the pitchers, but love your thoughts even more!

    1. I couldn't agree more Audra!!The green pitcher is sooo pretty and simple.I have such a love for thrift stores and such.Maybe an addiction!....

  3. Hi! I miss talking to you...I've been off the grid for a while, so I just popped in to say hello and Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I forgot to mention that I would love for you to share your thoughts and beautiful finds at my link up on Mondays!!! Hope to see you there!

  5. I forgot to mention that I would love for you to share your thoughts and beautiful finds at my link up on Mondays!!! Hope to see you there!

  6. Hi Sarah,
    I love your little pitchers, especially the not-so-pink one. Your words are very inspiring and so true. God can fill us up again when we're running on low and through Him we are able to bless those who enter our door. Thanks so much for sharing with me at No Place Like Home and enjoy your day.


  7. I love your pitchers , especially the one with yellow flowers! I love your thoughts on hospitality also!

  8. What a lovely thought. I am visiting from Sandi's party. So nice to meet you Sarah, and visit your blog. Blessings, Deborah

  9. I love your pitchers , especially the one with yellow flowers! I love your thoughts on hospitality also!

  10. Beautiful pictures and thoughts... Thank you for sharing it on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  11. I love this post and the way you worded it! It's so inspiring! Love you!

  12. I have felt the same way about hospitality.
    Unfortunately, I think there are few who practice hospitality these days.
    We've only been invited to someone's home twice in the six years we've been at our church... both were the same couple and in the last 3 months or so. It's sad, but I know I need to practice a lot more than I do. Thank you for the reminder. And yes, we have invited people to our home while going to this church. We just need to be more intentional about it.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


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Mrs. Sarah Coller