
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pink Saturday: Decorating for Christmas

Hi Friends! It's Pink Saturday at Beverly's blog so make sure to stop by and say Hi at How Sweet the Sound! Today the kids are having a bunch of friends over so I'm planning to bake them a bunch of treats! My house is decorated for Christmas and I'm getting into the holiday mood!
This year I bought this pink Christmas tree for my library. Some of you may remember when I bought the little pink one I've got sitting on my Grandma's sewing box. {Um, my Grandma's dusty sewing box! Yikes! Avalon is dusting it as I write this!}

This is our first year without a fireplace mantel so I'm a little flustered about where to put some of my things. I know I'll form new decorating traditions but for now, things are just sort of hanging out wherever. Ha!

I've almost got enough mid-century stuff to fill my biggest hutch!

I found these sweet choir boys at an estate sale in Pendleton, Oregon this summer. They remind me of the boys in the choir at Bath Abbey---although those guys wear green.

Had to get creative with the stockings --- no mantel --- but Brenna (4) had the idea to hang them around the bay window. Great idea!

Jamie's Christmas village gets sweeter every year.

This year he bought a fountain that lights up. It looks just like the one in the Bentonville square! He and I are the couple on the bench to the right in this photo.

Every year, everyone gets a new ornament. This is the one Jamie bought me this year. I love it! I love tea things and strawberries---it's perfect!

Another tradition is my poinsettia. Jamie always brings me one sometime during the holidays. Isn't it gorgeous?!!

This is Lynzie's nutcracker collection. I'm going to need to start collecting them for myself now because she'll be out in a couple years and the gorgeous collection will be gone!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful holiday season! Happy Pink Saturday!


  1. Your decorations are so pretty! I like nutcrackers too!

  2. Beautiful and SO festive! The pink tree is so cute and I LOVE all of the mid-century goodies in your hutch. I've never had a mantle but we have this 'weird' square, indentation on one wall of the living room that's about 8" deep and that's my 'mantle' that I dress for the holidays. Great idea using the bay window for the stockings!


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Mrs. Sarah Coller