
Friday, May 18, 2018

A Pretty Teacup for Pink Saturday

It's a very special Pink Saturday today! Not only is it the day of the latest Royal Wedding, it's also the 16th birthday of my sweet friend, Emily! Happy Birthday Emily! 
Today I'm sharing this sweet cup and saucer set my son Michael gifted me for my birthday in October. I love it because it features all the things I love: pink, roses, a postage mark to represent my love for letter writing, a key to represent all the secret doors I plan to unlock, and a crown to represent England, my favorite place on Earth!

"Spring has sprung" is a saying we often quoted in the Pacific Northwest. However, now that we're in Arkansas, it seems a little silly to make such light of what is actually a total EXPLOSION!! Spring has definitely exploded in our neighborhood. With the inclusion of the street in front, this is our 360° view at our home. My son, Cainan, took this photo yesterday morning. He's a Hobbit fan and, I'll admit, it does look quite Middle Earthen!

This is our first spring in our new home and it's been fun to see what's popping up. There's a large flower bed in front of our bay window and these lovely things are filling it up fast. Who can tell me what sort of plants these are? The thing I'm loving most about our outside right now is the lovely perfume of honeysuckle. It's absolutely pervading our neighborhood and just makes me so happy!

How are you enjoying your Pink Saturday? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to visit Beverly for more Pink Saturday goodness!


  1. oh, you are so lucky to have honeysuckle! It reminds e of my 2nd mother, Lavelle Cecil!

  2. What a pretty teacup! I received a lovely pink teacup in a teacup exchange recently. I really love having afternoon tea in it.

  3. Perhaps the fuzzy looking plant is some type of mint? The one in the middle looks possibly like a lily, maybe a type of tiger lily? The one to the right we have and have always called ornamental cabbage, however when I look up ornamental cabbage it doesn't look like what I thought it was. LOL

  4. The pretty fuzzy plant is called Lamb's Ear. It is so soft ! I always cut off the spikes that they give off with the little purple flowers otherwise they fall over when it rains and look unsightly. They give a nice texture to your garden beds. Enjoy!

  5. such a pretty pink teacup, perfect for an evening tea!


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Mrs. Sarah Coller