
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

An Important Devotional for Women Making Goals

Hello Friends! Welcome to the Homemaking Party!

Wow! I don't know about you but this year seemed to completely fly by for our family! We made lots of great friends and special memories---but there's a big part of me that is saying, slow down! So, New Year Resolution Number One is: stay home more!

Do you make New Year Resolutions? Some years I make an elaborate categorized list of my goals for the upcoming year. Other times, I just pick one thing. However you do it, the important thing is to assess why you feel the need to make a change and then start taking simple, doable steps toward that goal.

I hope you'll check out my devotional for women, Now: Purposeful Steps Toward a More Abundant Life, available in paperback and on Kindle. It's all about taking the steps needed to start living the way you want to and to stop making excuses about why you think you can't. Sound simple? It is! It's a simple little book that you can read through in a day for encouragement or spend time going through it more slowly as a study toward change. It features study questions and prayer topics and is a great gift for yourself or another woman in your life who wants to live a fulfilling life right where she's at!

 Many blessings for your new year! I'm looking forward to great things!

Linking with: These great parties


  1. Sarah, no I don't make New Year Resolutions. But I do tend to think about goals more at two times of year--January and September. This month I'm thinking of how well something I started last February has worked for me, and my goal now is to continue it for the rest of my life. I wrote a post about it--I hope you don't mind my including a link to it-- Many people use it very effectively for weight loss. I did it for its many health benefits and "accidentally" lost some weight. So I decided to switch from 16/8 to 15/9 to give me an extra hour to fit in my three meals so as not to lose any more! And one of my constant goals is to visit my four "rooms"--physical, mental, emotional, spiritual--every day. As you said, the year really flew by, and I'm sure this one will as well!

  2. I have read your book many times and always get something more to keep with me after reading it. I am on my first full year of retirement so I have really slowed down and it feels great. Happy New Year. May it be your best!

  3. Thank you for hostessing. I am going to go visiting a bit.
    I would like to go sewing next month. Do you think you'll be going?

  4. Thanks for hosting Sarah & Happy New Year!

  5. Hi Sarah! I'm just popping in to say I replied to your email, but I'm not sure if you ever got it. I would love to write to you! :) I hope you're doing well!

    1. I just checked---it had gone to spam!!! What in the world?! Ok, I messaged you back though and am going to write you this week. We WILL get this thing figured out---haha!

  6. I love your book so much. Thank you, once again, for inspiring me to finish my own.


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Mrs. Sarah Coller