
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Homemaking Party -- Celebration Time!

Welcome to the Homemaking Party! This weekend our family is celebrating the marriage of my brother, Joe, and his gorgeous bride, Kim! I finally have a sister---yay! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Spoolie Swap {Pink Saturday!!}

I'm so excited to be hosting my first Spoolie Swap! I hope lots of my crafty bloggy friends will want to join in the fun. 

I first discovered these unique wooden spool crafts when I participated in a spring basket swap. Both of my partners sent me spoolies!

I've been collecting little wooden spools and setting them away for a season when I'd have more time to work on them. That time is now!

It's super easy to join the Spring Spoolie Swap. Just follow these steps:

*Send your name, mailing address, and blog address to sarah (at) hopeineveryseason (dot) com. (You don't have to have a blog to participate.)

*Please place the swap button on your blog somewhere so your friends can join in too! (There are two sizes!)

*Partners will be assigned on March 28th. Please send your gift package by April 11th.

*Reveal party (blog posts) will be held May 2nd. (Participation is optional.)

*Don't have a spool? I can set up an Etsy order for you.

*I know some of you are new to bloggy swaps so please feel free to ask me any questions!

{*swap is open to US mailing addresses only*}

Hope In Every Season

Hope In Every Season

Linking with:
Beverly's Pink Saturday
Blue Monday@Smiling Sally
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
A Return to Loveliness @ A Delightsome Life
Cottage Style Party @ Lavender Garden Cottage 
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