
Friday, April 1, 2011

Springtime Wreath Tutorial

You may remember my little sob story of last week about how I don't have many spring decorations!  I've committed to trying to make at least one a week this spring!  Last week, I made those adorable little candy jars.  This week, I tried out a springtime wreath.

I started off with a half yard of green taffeta and a half yard of pink.  That was WAY more than I needed.  I suggest just using remnants unless you plan on making 4 or 5 wreaths!  Also, I found that my taffeta burned pretty easily so you'll likely want to use satin instead.  I also used scissors, a foam circle, straight pins, decorative brads, small hole punch, candle, and tongs or tweezers.
I cut my fabric into three sizes of circles.  Circles don't have to be exact.

I held the fabric circle over the lit candle to melt (or, in my case, burn!) the edges to form the petal look. 

Then I stacked the three petal sizes together and punched a small hole for the brad to go through, securing them tightly with the brad.

I used a scrap of the pink taffeta for a hanging ribbon and then began attaching the flowers to the foam circle with the straight pins.  I put the pins behind the medium or smallest petals so they wouldn't show.

Once the circle was full, I hung it from this neat window pane that some dude downtown thought was junk...and added it to my springtime display!!  Whew!  Two down...how many more weeks to go?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tea Cup Trade: A Meaningful Gift!

 Last month, I participated in a really fun Tea Cup Trade over at Faith, Hope and Cherrytea!  I was paired up with the talented and creative Miss Sue Flay of The Secluded Tea Party.  I thought it would be so fun to trade with someone from the UK...and it was!

As soon as Miss Sue told me she'd put my package in the mail, I was on needles and pins each day to see what surprises were in store for me!  I was not at all disappointed!
One day, a brown, square box came for me---it was my gift!!

I definitely took my time opening it up...removing each bit of tape from the box...  Inside was the cutest little Japanese miniature tea set!  I just love the look on the little guy's face! (click on the picture to enlarge)  She'd also included some delicious White Tea, as well as some recipes for a few of her treats that she makes for her guests during her Secluded Tea Parties.  I think I'll make a couple of those treats, put on a mini-tea party for my girls, and do a follow-up post to show Miss Sue how much I appreciate her! I was extra excited to receive a Japanese set as I had, just the day before, won an auction for a painting of a Japanese geisha.  I've got a great little vignette in mind! 

Thank you so much Miss Sue for the lovely and thoughtful gift! 

AND... As if her generosity wasn't enough already, she even featured the gifts I sent her at her latest Secluded Tea Party---a book-themed party!  If anyone is interested in reading about Miss Sue Flay's Secluded Tea Party events, or to see what I sent her in our trade, please visit her here.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Easy Petits Fours

My recipe for Easy Petits Fours is, by far, my most popular post. I have people coming to that post every single day! So, here you go!

When you're done reading the recipe, please make sure and read about my blogging friend, Cindy at Blessings From Cindy, and the gorgeous craft idea she came up with! Her Craft Blotter is so easy---you could make one today for a Christmas gift---and make one tomorrow for yourself!

For several years, I would make these really easy petits fours for different church functions. Here's how you can make a simple petit four with basic ingredients and supplies you likely have on hand.

 Begin with a boxed Pound Cake mix and the ingredients mentioned on the back (eggs, water, etc.)  You will also need a package of vanilla almond bark and food coloring if desired.

Line a jelly roll pan with parchment paper.  I like to spray the pan with nonstick spray or water first to help the paper stick to the pan and not roll up.  Mix your cake ingredients according to the directions on the box, spread batter into pan, and bake at 350 for 15-20 min. or until done and lightly golden brown.  

Let the cake cool completely and then cut it into squares with a sharp knife.  You will likely not cut into the parchment paper but if you are concerned about that you can turn the cake out onto a cutting board and remove the paper first.  Pound Cake is very easy to cut into nice squares thus eliminating the need for an actual petit four pan.

When cake is completely cooled, break half the package of almond bark into a bowl and microwave at 30 sec. intervals, stirring in-between.  I like to add some oil or shortening too to make dipping easier.  When it is completely melted, you can mix in some food coloring if you'd like.

Using a fork, dip the cake into the coating to cover it completely.  The coating gets thicker as it cools so you may find yourself having to spoon the coating onto the cake and then tap the excess off on the side of your bowl.  Transfer the coated petit four to wax or parchment paper.

If you desire a decoration on top, add it as soon as you place the cake on the paper to cool.  Almond Bark sets up pretty quickly and you want your decoration to stick.  I found these pearly candies at Target in the Easter section.

Once the coating has hardened, you are all done!  I got several compliments on these today from my homeschooling mom friends!  In the past, I've taken the time to fill them with jelly or frosting.  This makes for a much taller petit four, but one could always cut the cake in half before filling---although this will make it less stable as the cake will be pretty thin.  Have fun making these and make sure to send me pictures of your own creations!

Make sure and visit Cindy's blog, Blessings from Cindy to learn how to make this adorable Craft Blotter:

   Cindy's instructions are super easy and the project is made from things you probably already have around the home! Thank you, Cindy!
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