
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Vintage Pilgrim Print & Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Hello Friends!  It's time for my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend again!  Last week we had many inspiring posts linked up---I'm excited to see what we'll get this week!  I want to introduce you to two fabulous bloggers here in a minute, but first, I'd like to show off this neat print I found at an antique store last year!
This is Christmas Morn at Plymouth, painted by J.L.G. Ferris.  Between 1900 and 1930, Ferris painted a series of 78 historical scenes from America's past.  He painted everything from Christopher Columbus' discovery to the beginning of WWI.  Ferris' series, The Pageant of a Nation, is the largest, intact, series of paintings portraying America's history by one artist!  You can read more about him here.
My print was copyrighted in 1905 and was distributed with the "compliments of" Lindeke, Warner & Sons of St. Paul, Minnesota, one of the nation's largest wholesale dry goods and manufacturing companies of the time.
It was framed by Erickson and Holden Paints and Wall Paper in Walla Walla, WA.
While I think it's beautiful on my piano, I need something a little more near the top of that window pane.  Maybe I'll make a cute fall banner this weekend to add to it all!

As promised, here are my two top pics from the link up last weekend:
First of all, I was SO impressed by this beautiful and very informative post by Ivy & Elephants called Off the Chain!  They offered a lot of great information about the history, function, and beauty of the chatelaine.  They introduced us to this bit of history with these words: "Chatelaines are one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry to have evolved out of the Edwardian and Victorian eras."  Did I hear "Edwardian"???  "Victorian"???  I'm in!!  Please, take some time to visit this gorgeous blog and enjoy this well-researched article.  I've read several posts by these girls and it really is quality blogging at it's best!

Secondly, I just had to share with you sweet Christine's sleepover post!!  Christine from Christine's Home and Travel Adventures planned the most fun and relaxing pajama party for her and two friends recently.  
Look at this gorgeous table she set for her friends for a SLEEPOVER!!! Hello!!!  Awesome!  I've read Christine's blog for awhile now and am always impressed by her neat adventures, her beautiful home and yard, and her eye for putting together a gorgeous vignette or table setting.  Christine, I think we need to be closer friends so I can come to your next sleepover! Ha!

I hope everyone will link up with our Homemaking Weekend Link-Up and take a button to display on your blog to help remind you of the weekly party!  Just look at the top of my sidebar for the cute little button with the squirrel!  Happy Weekend! 

Check out my giveaway here!

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Date Nut Dessert Squares: {Top Secret Ancient Family Recipe}

After much reflection, I've decided to share with you a tidbit from my vault of family secrets! Here is a recipe for Date Nut Pudding, a family favorite for four generations now. Let me clarify that this is not pudding as in runny, eat-with-a-spoon pudding. Instead, it's more of a dessert square that maintains it's shape when cut.  Back in the 50s when my grandma came across this recipe, it was called pudding so we've all just called it that. However, risking the wrath of my entire family, I've renamed it here---just for your own clarification.

This is to be eaten with your Christmas or Thanksgiving meal and placed on your plate right next to your turkey. But don't be confused. You are not to place this next to the turkey that is in between the mashed potatoes and stuffing---the turkey that you cover with the same gravy that you cover the afore mentioned items with. You are, instead, to place it next to the other turkey that you've placed right next to the cranberry sauce that you place on your fork first before stabbing a hunk of the non-gravied turkey and eating it all with one bite.

Now that we have that straight, lets continue...

Date Nut Dessert Squares {AKA: Date Nut Pudding}

2 c. chopped dates
1 c. chopped walnuts
2 c. miniature marshmallows
1 c. graham cracker crumbs
1 12 oz. container Cool Whip

Stir them all together well and press down into a 9" square pan. Sprinkle more graham crumbs on top and chill overnight.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Why I Need Another Baby! Pink Saturday

Let me show you why I need another baby:
Ok, so I'm partially joking...!!  Of course, I would be blessed, honored, and delighted if God saw fit to send more babies our way.  Our children are such joys---they are definitely God's greatest blessings and rewards! 

But, in addition to that, I REALLY WANT ONE OF THESE SHIRTS!!! I love the idea of putting Hannah's prayer for Samuel on a t-shirt---what a wonderful way to share the truth that children are a blessing!

I was just randomly searching Etsy listings the other day, looking for God to point out people he wanted me to feature on my blog, and I discovered Regan and Melody's shop, His Child Clothing.  I asked Regan to write up a little "About Me" dealie so I could introduce her and her daughter to my readers and encourage you to visit their shop.  

They've got the CUTEST little tops for toddlers, as well as several inspiring maternity shirts for the expectant mom who wants to share the truth of God's word regarding children with others around her. 
Surely, there are some of my readers who either know someone who is expecting or know someone with a sweet little toddler who would be blessed by this unique and God-honoring business!  Maybe you'd like to take a minute and visit their shop, give them a couple hearts, bookmark the shop for future or right now purchases...maybe even send the link on to someone you know who would also be interested!

Here's what Regan and Melody have to say about His Child Clothing:

"Our names are Melody and Regan and are a mother-daughter team. We started His Child in April of 2010 when we realized the need for maternity apparel that was devoted to God and His value of life. I (Regan) have more christian shirts than I can count, but when I got pregnant I couldn't find a Christian maternity shirt. At least I couldn't find one that wasn't sold beside a disgusting "knocked up" type of maternity shirt. Refusing to give money to someone who sold what they didn't believe in, we started making our own shirts.

Our belief is that the carrying and birth of a child is one of the most wonderful mysteries any woman is blessed to experience. A lack of stylish and modest clothing should not dampen the joy of this event. HIS Child’s purpose is to make pregnancy fun and fuss free as moms get ready for work, church, or just out to have fun. Our mission is to encourage parents and to honor the sacredness of life in a positive image and in a fun and stylish way.

The name HIS Child is based on John 1:12. “Yet to all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His (Jesus’) name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

Thank you for the opportunity to spread the word about His Child. It means a lot to us.

In Him,
Regan & Melody of His Child"

Let me just note that no goods or services were provided to me prior to publishing this post on my blog.  It is solely for the purposes of spreading the word about a business I respect!  Oh, and it's also a big SHOUT OUT HINT to my mom and husband...  :)

Happy Pink Saturday!  Be sure and stop by to see Beverly and the Pinkies at How Sweet the Sound!

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