Well, after a blessed but exhausting three-day car trip, the kids and I have made it safely to Oregon and Jamie is safe back in Arkansas. We sure miss Daddy---is it fall yet???
We stayed in Colorado our first night and the second night we stopped off in Salt Lake to see my brother's family. Here's all the Bourrie cousins---little Sammy is my sweet nephew---the littlest one on Lynzie's lap!
The next day we stopped in our hometown, Baker City, Oregon, to visit with Jamie's family. Here's some of the Coller cousins. Cousin Bekka is on the end next to Lynzie.
We said goodbye to Daddy in Baker City and his family drove him to the airport in Boise.
Here are some pretty scenes near the Oregon/Idaho border.
Friends in Arkansas hear I'm from Oregon and they think lush greenery. There's a lot more lush greenery in Northwest Arkansas than there is in Eastern Oregon!
Oregon definitely has Arkansas beat on interesting geography though!
This is Farewell Bend State Park where Jamie and I were baptized shortly after we were married. Farewell Bend was the last stop on the Oregon Trail along the Snake River. Travelers rested here and watered and grazed their animals before the trail turned north through more rugged country. Some pioneers continued toward the Baker Valley (where we grew up)---some continued on in other directions.
After saying goodbye to Jamie, we headed to Pendleton---about 90 minutes from Baker City. The kids have been enjoying several fun things here at Grandma's so far. Michael has been busy chopping wood and even made a fire for roasting s'mores Sunday night.
Grandma's house has always been such a comfortable place to relax and feel cozy and safe. The older kids are enjoying reliving experiences they had with her when they were younger and the littles are loving making new memories!
Thank you for hosting us, Mom!