
Sunday, November 18, 2012

God is NOT on Our Side!

Joshua 5: 13-15-- "Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" He said, "No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the Lord." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" The captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so."

A pastor friend of ours posts daily Bible studies to his Facebook page. One day I was reading his notes on these verses and was struck by this: "God is not on our side. We are on his." Or rather, we should be on his. Often times, when reflecting on a crisis situation for example, people will say, "Thank God we had the Lord on our side." However, that's not exactly the case. It's not like God looks at a situation and chooses which side to be on. God is good and true and right and just in all sides and situations.

When we come over to God's side, we often reap the benefits and blessings of his protection so it would seem that he's pleased with us for "doing right" and is rewarding us by being on our team. The problem with that logic comes when we try to see the flip side. If he's rewarding us by being "on our side" and allowing us to live a happy, easy, blessed life, then what does it mean when life turns scary, ugly, difficult and unfair? It must mean that God's not on our side anymore, right? These bad things must indicate that God is mad at us and punishing us by removing his blessing.

That is SO not the case! While it's true that we will reap these bad "side effects" of disobedience, often times bad things just happen to good people (completely different topic---not goona go there tonight!) The Lord promised never to leave us or forsake us (Josh. 1:5). David encourages us with this thought: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me" (Ps. 23:4).

However, God is not going to sanction sin--no matter how slight or unconscious. That's why he can't be on our side--we are sinful beings. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). We fluctuate between good days and bad days. We have our own wills and they're usually self-centered. How wise we'd be to come over to the side of the one who is steady and unchanging!

This article was published in Issue #89 of The Christian Home Magazine.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dreaming of a Pink Christmas...Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Hello and Happy Weekend!

I must confess that I've spent WAAAYYY too much time on Etsy today looking at lots of beautiful pink goodness!  I'm so inspired and, ok, a little covetous too!

For this week's Homemaking Link-Up Weekend, I thought I'd share some of my gorgeous finds!  First up is this CUTE little cottage.  It's Red Riding Hood's Cottage!  Isn't that adorable?
Red Riding Hood's Christmas Cottage by TheUglyDuckling1962
 As I was looking for more pink houses, I came across one of Pink Saturday's favorite girls!  Olivia from Olivia's Romantic Home is offering up this stunning deer to go along with her adorable cottages.

Gorgeous Deer from Olivia's Romantic Home
Here's a fancy house for a fancy price!  Looks edible to me...ha!
Pink Christmas House from PerlillaPets

I also came across this really neat banner from Pink Pearl Studio.  She is selling the pdf for 6 designs and you just print it out yourself, mount and decorate!  I'll be buying this today!

Christmas Banner from pinkpearlstudio
I think I'm going to use some of the ideas I've found online today and see if I can create my own little Christmas village!  I'll keep you posted on my progress!


I'd love for you to join in with my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend.  Feel free to link up your favorite posts below and make sure to grab a button for your blog so your friends can join too!

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Welcome to this week's Homemaking Link-Up Weekend!  It's been a great week for our family as we're enjoying the cooler temperatures, lots of soup, and the crafty bug that always hits our home this time of year!  Please feel free to link up your favorite posts below and display this cute button on your blog so your readers can come visit too!

Last night for dinner, I made my yummy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna.  My family loves this---it's so flavorful!

My birthday was October 23rd---the day my husband and two oldest sons went elk hunting for a week.  The other kids and I drove them up and stopped off at our cousin's new shop, The Dancing Elephant Gallery in Baker City.  Because it was my birthday, and because I wanted something to remember our first visit to the gallery, I bought this cute vintage PINK vase!  Isn't it pretty?  I finally unpacked it yesterday and put it up on the highest shelf---far from little baby fingers!

As Amy (owner) pointed out, one usually finds this style chipped in places---but this one's in perfect shape.  I love it!
  My little blog hit an exciting milestone this week as I had 750 visitors in one day on the day after elections!  This was my most popular post this week---and most popular of ALL TIME with over 1,000 hits in just 6 days!
My favorite post from last week's link up was this one for Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls from Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose.  I make a recipe similar to this and it inspired me to put together a batch for our Saturday morning breakfast tomorrow!  Please visit Stephanie to give your compliments and, if you are Pinning, please make sure to pin from her blog to direct traffic her way!

How do you plan to spend your weekend?  Today I'm going to clean my room and stock my Etsy shop.  Then I'm planning on making some skirts for my daughters and I over the weekend---as well as doing a major de-junking in the boys' bedroom!  

Hope your day is happy and blessed---please link up below and join the party!

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