
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Couponing for the Rest of Us---Book Review

I've been couponing for several years now, off and on, but after reading Kasey Knight Trenum's new book, Couponing for the Rest of Us, I'm committed to doing it much more consistently!  Thank you to Baker Publishing Group for sending me a free copy for review purposes.  All opinions are honest and are my own.

As far as her "how-to" method goes, most of it was the same system I already use.  A few years ago, a couple of moms in our homeschool group did a workshop for us and taught us this same way of couponing.  What really blessed me about this book was the "why" of couponing.

Lynzie, 13, enjoyed reading about couponing during our yard sale a couple weeks ago!
Trenum's couponing philosophy revolves around using coupons to get your family to a stable financial situation so you can give to others.  She says, "Couponing success isn't measured by the size of your stockpile.  I'd much rather be known for giving."  Me too, definitely.

More than a "how to" book, this is a personal story of how coupons changed her life, and how it can change yours, from the perspective of stocking up so you are prepared to bless others.  This concept is never more real than today, as we're reeling from the horrific tornadoes that have struck the midwest this week.

On the practical side, I was so encouraged to start couponing again.  Remembering back to the days when I could skip one. more. day. of grocery shopping because of my stockpile, I ran right out, the morning after finishing the book, to grab my best coupon sources.  I even used coupons to buy my coupons!  With a $5.00 reward credit at Albertsons, I was able to buy four newspapers at  40% off.  I also found a coupon online that allowed me to save 50% on my issue of All You---a great source of coupons!

In addition to savings at Rite Aid and Walmart, I saved 84% at Albertsons---and everything I bought were things I, or someone close to me, could use!

I really encourage you to pick up Trenum's book, as well as visit her website, to learn the "hows", as well as be encouraged by the "whys".  You will definitely be blessed!

Available May 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

How I Fit It All In

So many have asked how I "manage to do it all."  Well, we all know that I definitely do not do it all, but I definitely do a lot!  Today I'm sharing my secrets at So You Call Yourself A Homeschooler.  Come check it out!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Financial Tools from Wells Fargo #CBias #SocialFabric

When we were 19 and nine months into our marriage, we were thrilled to find out we were expecting our daughter, Lynzie.  Almost 15 years later, we've been blessed with nine children and a beautiful life.  The only downside I can think of to having a large family is the cost involved---and even that's not so bad with the right planning!

I have been a Wells Fargo customer for several years, but it's only recently that I've discovered some of their online financial tools.  In the past, I've never gone further than monitoring my checking account and doing a little online bill paying.  This past week, I've had fun buzzing around their website and seeing the different options they've made available to help Jamie and I keep our finances in order. How neat it was to find the option to make an appointment with a Banker online.  

The process of making an online appointment was very simple and so convenient!  With my busy life at home, I don't get the opportunity to get out to many daytime appointments.  I wish more businesses would provide an option for an online consultation like this.

About seven years into our marriage, Jamie decided to go back to school and his first loans were through Wells Fargo.  In fact, that's what led us to switch banks, as we wanted all financial stuff in one place.  Wells Fargo has online planning tools and calculators to help students and parents make good decisions regarding student loans.  Loans can be applied for and managed online, and there are lots of links to great information for the whole process.

Another great financial tool Wells Fargo offers online is called, My Retirement Plan.  No matter how deep I bury my head in the sand, aging is something I just can't avoid!  It's important that adults of all ages be prepared for retirement.  This easy tool helps you do just that.  Notice at the bottom left of the screenshot there is a column titled, Saving for Retirement.  Just click the link for your current age to get started.

People in their 30s (like me) are getting settled into a career and looking to put down some roots.  This page provides information on several topics that are important to younger adults thinking about retirement.  I was interested in the My Retirement Plan tool that was advertised in the box on the right, so that's where I went next.

My Retirement Plan sets up a tailor-made plan for the customer, based on answers to a few short questions.  It took me just a couple of minutes to complete.

My current monthly contribution to retirement savings is $0.  Wells Fargo recommended I begin my savings at $291 per month.  That figure did seem a little overwhelming to me to begin with.  Luckily, there is the option to ease into savings.  See the link there on the right?  I clicked it to see what options Wells Fargo could provide me with for an easier beginning savings plan.

If I start out only saving $73 per month, in 10 years I'd need to be saving as much as $500 per month!  Even more 10 years after that!  I think I better start with a little bit higher of a number.

A savings calculator was also provided to help me come up with ideas for saving a little here and there to add to retirement.  These are great ideas and there's even room to enter my own.  I really appreciate this useful tool and feel like I have a lot of great resources right here to help me better plan for my future.

To read about my experience in more detail, please visit my Google+ album.

I really appreciate Wells Fargo partnering with our family to help us prepare for every stage of our lives.  It's comforting to know that someone more knowledgeable than us about finances is helping us to make good decisions.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®.  #CBias #SocialFabric  All opinions are honest and are my own.

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