
Monday, October 21, 2013

Am I Doing Enough? The Mixed-Up Priorities of the Average Homemaker

So I'm saved...so what?

Think I'm being flippant? No, just honest. How many of us have asked this question once or twice?

For me, it started out as an honest inquiry: since I'd given my life to Jesus, I wanted to know the next step in the Christian walk. A couple years later, I was wondering what real ministry God had locked away for me in his Super Secret True Calling vault.

Nowadays, I'm well past the honeymoon phase where I'm constantly surfing the waves of baby Christian emotion. I've also worked through my "true purpose" issues since discovering my husband and nine kids were given to me for a reason.

I think I'm now in the stage they call the day-to-day grind. I'm in the trenches...apparently.

Yet, after 15 years of walking with Jesus on a daily basis, I sometimes still find myself asking the question: is there something more?

Now don't get me wrong, this is not a wistful wishing sort of wondering question. I'm not saying, there MUST be more. I'm so thrilled and blessed with the life I have, I can't imagine anything more important and fulfilling for myself than what I'm doing right now.

It's more of an, "am I doing enough?" sort of question. Because, believe it or not, even grounded and mature Christians, even happy and loved wives, even mothers with NINE children, can buy into the lie that says, you're not doing enough.

In fact, just the other night I was telling God how I really don't feel compelled to do anything more than I'm doing already. The responsibilities of home and family are pretty much all I think I can handle right now.

Of course, there was the usual blabbering on about him showing me his will and blah-de-blah. Then, all of a sudden, WHAM! An answer.

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" ~Micah 6:8

Do Justly: Treat one another with fairness, be honest, walk in integrity, don't gossip, give one another the benefit of the doubt

Love Mercy: have compassion for one another, put yourself in another's place, think before you speak/act/condemn

Walk Humbly: don't put on airs, listen more than you speak, be who you really are, give all you can

We spend way too much time trying to figure out if we're in the right ministry, if we should take on that one. more. thing. We completely miss the essential character traits that are a million times more important to God than any good works could be.

Anyone with ears, let her hear: just because it's good to do, doesn't mean it's good for you to do.

More on this: Stop the Glorification of Busy

Friday, October 18, 2013

No-Mess Crafting with PomTree #PomTreeKids

When I was asked to do a craft tutorial using mess-free PomTree Kids craft kits, I jumped in right away. A craft day at our house can get out of control fast and the clean up often takes longer than the project! PomTree playsets come with paper, foam, and felt stickers so children can customize their creative project in their own way---without the mess of glue.

Look at all the great goodies we were sent for the PomTree Kids campaign! How exciting! I was given these products for free to use in a campaign for PomTree Kids and Blueprint Social. All opinions are honest and are my own.

 We decided to make the Creamery Playset and the Treat Truck Playset. Since these two seem to go together with a frozen treats theme, we thought they'd be fun for our first go round.

We began by splitting the kids into teams and reading through the instructions included in the box. Because the playsets fit together like puzzle pieces, kids can practice problem-solving by figuring out the best way to assemble them. This is great for our Lego-loving kids.

PomTree states that adult assembly is required---and I agree. The instructions basically say to look at the picture and figure it out for yourself. The problem with this is that the pieces don't always lock together how they should, or the sticky backs are not strong enough to hold things like the hanging window box on the Creamery in place. This was frustrating for some of my older kids, so I helped when needed.

Next we punched out all the cardboard and foam pieces. There were no scissors required and everything punched out easily. I was impressed by the initial sturdiness of the pieces.

Once we assembled the cardboard and foam pieces, (all are interlocking---remember, no glue required!),we began decorating. This was the most fun part for the kids as this was where they really got to use their imaginations to customize the pieces. The boys decided to display one of each kind of treat on both sides of their truck so customers can see all of their options.

The boys thought it would have been fun for the set to come with a stand up cow character so they could walk him around to hand out treats. Since it didn't, they decided they'd use Lego figures as the characters for their ice cream game.

 The girls' playset was supposed to come with two character girls, but they were not included in the box. Luckily, the boys said they could be in on their Lego game as well. (After contacting PomTree, I received a very prompt reply and apology, and our replacement set is on it's way!) All in all, it was another fun crafty day at the Coller house.  Thanks, PomTree!

Would you love to win a PomTree Kids gift basket worth $50? 10 winners will! Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter to win. (Widget may take a moment to load)

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Homemaking Party...Just Barely!

Am I the only one who feels like she's totally running behind? Whew! Holding my head up...trying not to get discouraged here! Hope you all are having a peaceful week. 

Thanks so much to everyone who faithfully comes and links up posts each week. You're all very much appreciated!

Now for the linkup.  Please remember to return the favor by adding my button or a text link to your post.  Have a great weekend!


Hope In Every Season is on Facebook!  If you like what you've read here, please follow me and keep up with the latest posts.

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