
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Irish Christmas Music and Cinnamon Sugared Pecans

This post was compensated by Family Christian. All opinions are honest and are my own. #FCBlogger

Whew! There's a lot going on at the {Not Just} Homemaking Party today! You get to check out a new CD and even WIN A COPY...plus there's a great recipe link to visit....AND you get to link up and visit all those who are partying with us! Happy day!

I don't know what did it, but yesterday I started feeling very much in the holiday spirit! It's probably the overcast skies, coupled with the fact that everyone has colds---must be going on winter time! Ha! I'm determined to savor every minute of this holiday season. I don't want to be too busy to miss all the special little things that we look forward to every year. One sure fire way to get me in the holiday spirit is to listen to beautiful festive worship music like Joy: An Irish Christmas with Keith & Kristyn Getty. This is a beautiful compilation of 18 original and favorite worship Christmas songs, including my favorite, In Christ Alone. These songs tell the story of Christ and remind us that we can celebrate Him all year long!

You can find Joy: An Irish Christmas at Family Christian stores. Even easier, check it out on their website! You can also enter to win a copy below! (Rafflecopter widget may take a minute to load.) 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Another festive thing about the holiday season is the delicious smells and tastes we get to experience! I love trying new things and, even though my daughter has been making these since she was about 11 years old, I'd never made sugared nuts before. I gave it a try today and they're not too bad! Coupled with some cinnamon hot chocolate, these are tasty snacks that smell yummy too! I used this recipe from Jonna.

Thanks for stopping by the {Not Just} Homemaking Party! Can't wait to see what you've got to share! Linking with:

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Vintage Chalkware Piggy Bank for Vintage Show & Tell #1

Welcome to Vintage Show & Tell! I'm so excited to be offering this new linky party to my readers. I absolutely love collecting, reading, and writing about vintage and antique treasures so this weekly party will be a real treat for me! I hope you'll all enjoy visiting one another, as well, and invite your friends to come party, too!

Tonight I want to introduce you to my piggy bank. For as long as I can remember, this sweet piece has been my special coin bank. I've never been one to hold on to money for very long, so he's been a very hungry piggy over the years! From very early childhood until I graduated high school, he sat on my dresser or shelf. Once Jamie and I were married, I packed him away in a box of special things, but I've recently dug him out and he now sits on my dresser, once again!

This is a mid-century piece and is made of chalkware composite, a material that's sturdier than regular chalkware. Chalkware was known as "poor man's porcelain" and was popularly used in carnival game prizes in the early 1900s before stuffed animals became the coveted prize. It's hand-painted with oils or watercolors and glazed. It was made in Taiwan and has many bumps and scars. Still, it's a priceless treasure to me!

I'd love to see what you've got to share today! Link up your vintage stuff---(older posts are fine!)---and let's all visit one another and be inspired by fun things from the past! Make sure to grab a button for your blog!
Hope In Every Season

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking with:
Homemaking Party @ Hope In Every Season

Leading Loved Ones to the Lord Takes Patience

Shortly after Jamie and I were married in 1998, I committed myself fully to going after God and all he had for my new life. I'd come out of some pretty messy stuff and began to feel burdened for loved ones who were still stuck in the messy. One of those was my brother, a teenage {sorta nerdy} gamer who was, indisputably, the most logical thinker in the family. In my 18 year old, new Christian zeal, I had a conversation with him one night that would change his life.

I told him all I knew about God, the Bible, and the fiery pits of Hell---a place he was surely headed to if he didn't repent that instant. Now, even though that really is true, it was not the best idea for me to yell, cry, and scare him to death with thoughts of demons ripping his immortal body to shreds with their teeth---a fate worse than death since there's no death in eternity, I'd learned. Over 15 years later, when my brother did finally come to a belief in God, {not through any of my doing, I must admit} he told me that the conversation from that night was a big reason why he did not come to Christ that day. My heart was in the right place, but I went about it all wrong.

There's definitely a time and place for bringing the word of truth in a massive force of passion and excitement. However, in most of our everyday relationships, actions speak louder than words when we're burdened for unbelievers. 1 Peter 1:13-16 talks about former unbelievers being conformed to sin because of ignorance. It's more than just hearing right from wrong that changes hearts, it's being convicted of truth that leads someone to understanding and repentance. I hate to break it to you, but the Holy Spirit is the only one who can bring conviction.

Planting a seed is a good start, but many of us stop there. Leading someone to a revelation of truth is often a process of nurturing---sometimes a very lengthy process. We need to model right behavior and show people what following Christ looks like, then be prepared with Biblical answers in the right timing.

If we want to see lives changed, we must commit time and patience to the people God puts in our paths. We shouldn't give up too soon when the message isn't immediately received. Even though the knowledge that Jesus can come at any moment fills us with urgency, we've got to remember to trust in God's timing. Rushing it in our own power can backfire and push people away.

How about you? Are you the fiery evangelist type who brings the message like a tidal wave or are you the slow and steady pastor who gently leads others by example and with patience?
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