
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Time to Grow Up! Part Six

This is part six in a study I did on 1 Corinthians 13.

1 Corinthians 13 is basically a study on the selflessness of love. It is a challenge to me asking: What are my motives?

v. 5a: "Love does not behave rudely"

So many times, I say something to my husband that is rude or bitingly sarcastic---and think later on how angry and hurt I would be if he said that to me. I don't know why I have more of a tendency toward rudeness and sarcasm. Is it a cover up to keep me from being vulnerable? Not once in His word is the Lord rude, sarcastic or belittling toward His people. He gives His love freely. I want to be free of sarcasm and rudeness today.

Help me, God, to be merciful, patient and kind---these three traits will help me keep rudeness at bay.

v. 5b "Love does not seek its own"

I have read this verse so many times, but it was only recently that it really made sense--that I understood it according to my own experience. Love does not seek its own. Love does not go looking for love. It is selfless--it is not looking out for number one.

Love isn't conditional. I have put up so many walls and sabotaged many good times with an attitude that says, I won't give to you unless I'm sure you'll give to me. I don't want to risk looking stupid or being vulnerable when it turns out that I was the only one interested in making up. However, all I'm expressing with this attitude is that I am not seriously interested in showing my love to the other person. If I was, then their response wouldn't be a factor in whether or not I did.

I am reminded of a song by Sara Groves called Roll to the Middle:

We just had World War II here in our kitchen.
We both thought the meanest things and then we both said them.
We shot at each other till we lost ammunition.
This is how I know our love.
This is when I feel it's power.
Here in the absence of it,
This is my darkest hour.
When both of us are hunkered down,
And waiting for the truce.
All the complicated wars, they end pretty simple:
Here when the lights go out, we roll to the middle.
No matter how my pride resists,
No matter how the wall feels true,
No matter how I can't be sure that you're goona roll in too,
No matter what, no matter what,
I'm goona reach for you.

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