
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

My husband caught this most awesome shot as he was coming in from work last night. The baby snail was less than a half inch long!

I'm not sure what blessed me most: the fact that we got to see such a sweet little shot or the fact that my husband is the kind of guy that takes the time to admire Creation and all it's miracles!

Click here to see other Wordless Wednesday participants.


  1. Cute little fellow! I think it's double blessings. :)

  2. Errmmm... I'm terrified of snails... but I've just gotta stop by to tell you that your blog is very beautiful! Happy Wednesday to you from Malaysia!


  3. That's incredible. Wow! Great shot!

    Happy WW!

  4. the baby snail is sooooo sweet - your hubby noticing and taking the pic to share w/ ya'll is much, much sweeter :)

  5. That is an amazing picture!! When my 10yo daughter comes home from school, I am showing her this...she LOVES snails!

  6. just shared w/ my 10yr old - 'cool' he says :)

  7. Though the first is impressive, the latter thought is the best if you ask me. Having someone in your life that takes time for the small moments in life is very special. Thanks for sharing! That is truly a wonderful photo.

  8. That's an amazing picture! I wouldn't get that close to it to get a shot like that ;)

  9. What a great photo!

  10. Very nice shot... Check out mine at:

  11. I had no idea they were so colorful. Kudos to your Hubby for taking the time to enjoy nature ... and to you for sharing it!

  12. Very cool, not often you get the chance to see something like that.

  13. Awesome pic and awesome husband. You are blessed.

  14. I agree with Paula, you are indeed blessed and I love the photo! Have a great week!



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Mrs. Sarah Coller

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