
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Back!! VTT, Pink Saturday & Homemaking LinkUp Weekend

Thank you so so much to everyone who has been so sweet and patient to check on me these past few weeks!  I'm alive and well, just getting through my first few months of pregnancy with our sweet NUMBER NINE!

This weekend, I'm participating in my three favorite linky parties: Coloradolady's Vintage Thingie Thursday, Beverly's Pink Saturday, and my own Homemaking LinkUp Weekend!
To celebrate Vintage Thingie Thursday, I'm showing off the beautiful antique jam jar and spoon that my mom gave me last summer as a gift when I had Kynthia.  This was my favorite thing in her home!  This very delicate jar came from my great-grandma Annabelle.  It's such a tiny little thing---only about 3 inches high!
In honor of Beverly's Pink Saturday, I want to show how I displayed my favorite blue Ball jars.  These are sitting on top of a hutch in my living room.  So pretty!
Finally, for my Homemaking LinkUp Weekend, I thought I'd show off one other pink sweetie.  One of my favorite parts of homemaking is watching my kids be cute and silly.  Here's Avalon with her new pink sunglasses.  She's so proud!

How's the weather where you are?  We are ROASTING---but feeling so blessed with our air conditioner!  Hope everyone has a blessed weekend! 

Linking up with: 
Beverly's Pink Saturday
Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Muesli Bread and Homemaking Link Up Weekend

Happy Friday Everyone!  Hope your weekend plans are fun and relaxing!  Mine include: having fun, and relaxing.  Yay!

I recently made this yummy Granola Bread using Muesli that I got at the co-op. It was super good and really dense so it went a long way (ie: actually fed everyone with one loaf!)


1/2 c. butter 1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs 2 mashed bananas
1 3/4 c. whole wheat flour (OR 2 c. white)
1 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt
1 c. granola 1/2 c. chopped nuts
1/4 c. raisins

Cream butter and sugar; add eggs and bananas. Stir in granola. Add flour, soda, salt, nuts and raisins. Pour into greased loaf pan and bake at 350 for about 40 min. Cool on rack.

I'd love to have you link up for my Homemaking Link Up Weekend!  Have a wonderful weekend and be blessed!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Day at the Lake --- Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Hello my dear, sweet, PATIENT readers!  Can you believe I FORGOT to put up the link up post today?  Ugh...pregnant brain!  Anyway, it's here now and I'd love to have you all link up your home-related posts!

I was going through some of our pictures from the last couple weeks and found all these adorable pictures from Elisha's birthday a couple weekends ago.  He wanted to go fishing at the lake for his big day so we planned a fun trip to a nearby mountain lake.  It took about an hour and a half to get up there so it was just right for a day-long get away!

Here are some of the highlights from our day.  Be sure to link up below and visit some of the other participants with an encouraging comment or two!

Elisha wanted a fishing-themed cake...it sort of melted on the way to the lake!
He was really thrilled with his birthday gifts.  This was a detective fingerprinting set he had been wanting.
This gift was a knife he's been looking at for about a year now!
Everyone was quick to point out the candle that he missed on the first try!
After the party, Jamie and the kids were ready to start fishing!  This is Penland Lake in Eastern Oregon's Blue Mountains.  This has been a favorite fishing and camping spot in my family since before I was born.  In fact, this is where I was when Mt. St. Helens erupted.  I wasn't quite 1 year old yet!
I was probably baby Kynthia's age, actually!  She had so much fun playing in her walker...until she got sleepy.  Then she slept the rest of the day on our laps.  We took turns! :)
This was also Liam's first fishing trip.  He had a good day all day long!
Avalon liked to walk a little trail that went back into these trees a ways.  She always likes to go off exploring on her own.
Selah spent most of the day keeping Mr. Darcy busy.
Here's the birthday boy and mighty fisherman with his Weed Fish.
My favorite part of the day was watching my kids enjoying a special and memorable place from my childhood!

Have a lovely weekend!
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