
Friday, August 19, 2011

Celebrating Special Girls

This month has been one of celebration for our family as we brought our new baby, Kynthia Joy, into daylight on August 2nd, celebrated her birth with a dinner put on by my church friends last Friday, and are getting excited for daughter, Selah Elizabeth's, 5th birthday on Monday!

My sweet friends from church held a dinner and diaper shower for me and Kynthia.  It was so fun to get together and show her off!

My friend, Darlene, always makes the most gorgeous flower arrangements!  Big sister #2, Selah, had a matching rose in her hair!

Here's my gorgeous mother, Christy, holding Kynthia Joy.  She was asked again at the shower if she was my sister...sure hope I inherited those genes!

Kynthia received several nice gifts, including a pink ladybug outfit!  I'll be sure to post her on Pink Saturday here in 9 months or so when she can wear it!  Big sister #3, Avalon, took each gift over to Grandma to show it off!

Here's Kynthia posing with the pretty flowers Julie bought for her.

Me and Kynthia right before bed time...sleepy!!

This weekend I'll be busy wrapping up gifts and making a special PINK princess cake for sweet Selah's special day on Monday.  It's so hard to believe she was as little as Kynthia just five short years ago.  What a special blessing she has been to us.  "Selah Elizabeth" means, "Pause and Reflect (on the) God of Plenty".  Such a great reminder of God's blessing and provision in our lives.  I'm so thankful for this beautiful life!

I'm linking up with Beverly's Pink Saturday today.  Take some time to go visit if you can---there's lots of great pinks on display!

Friday, August 5, 2011

She's Here!!

Announcing....The Sweetest Little Pinkie of Them All...

Kynthia Joy Coller

Sweet Kynthia was born on Tuesday, August 2nd at 1:15 p.m. 
Daddy bought her this sweet outfit to wear home from the hospital yesterday morning!

Welcome to the world, baby girl!  Life just keeps getting sweeter.  Thank you, Lord, for all my blessings!

I'm linking up with Beverly's Pink Saturday today!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Preparing for Baby

Only 14 days left until our sweet new baby is due to make her appearance in the world!  I've spent the week getting ready for her to come!
Her little bed is all ready...

Her clothes are all hung up...
Her pacifier...for the benefit of us all!!

A little mobile hanging above her cradle for entertainment...

A few days' worth of diapers!  Guess I better go stock up...
MY bags are packed and ready to go...all we're waiting on is you, Baby!
Meanwhile, big brother is exploring the nooks and crannies of the living room... This is what happens when Mommy leaves a 14-month-old to his own devices for awhile...

Sweet Baby Liam has no idea what's coming...  He will be a great big brother!

I'm linking up with Beverly's Pink Saturday today!
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