
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chinese Style Pork and Rice & Homemaking LinkUp Weekend

Hope everyone had a great week! Today, for my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend post, I'm featuring a delicious recipe.
This is one of our family's favorites and it's pretty easy to make.  Let me know if you give it a try!

Chinese-Style Pork and Rice Dinner
2 lb. tender pork loin or shoulder roast
1/2 c. soy sauce
1/4 c. honey
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp. salt
4 c. cooked rice
1 c. scrambled eggs
1/2 c. green onions

Mix soy sauce, honey, garlic, and salt together and marinate pork 24 hours, turning every 6-8 hours.  Remove pork from marinade and bake at 400 for 1/2 hour.  Turn heat down to 300 and bake until internal temperature reaches 170 or the packager's pre-inserted plastic thermometer pops up.

Let pork sit on top of stove or counter about 45 min.  This will help the juices to settle (so the meat stays juicier) and will cool it off for easier slicing.

Slice almost all of the meat, saving a portion for adding to the rice.  Cut the saved portion into small pieces and set aside.  

In a large bowl, mix cooked rice, chopped scrambled eggs, green onions, and reserved meat.  Add salt, soy sauce, and, if you wish, garlic and other seasonings to taste.


Please link up all Homemaking posts below and have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dewey Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Dew

Hello!  Welcome to the Weekend!  I hope everyone has something fun and relaxing planned!  We are headed to the lake on Saturday to celebrate Elisha as he will be turning 9 years old!  Everyone is so excited---it's not often that we get to take an outing like this and I just pray it will be a wonderful day for all!
For this week's Homemaking LinkUp Weekend, I'm reviving a post I wrote in 2008 when I first started blogging.  I'm reposting it because there's been a new development in this lifelong dream of mine!  I'll show you the post and then tell you the update!

Please feel free to link up your posts below!  The theme is Homemaking---but it's very general.  Just link up what you want---as many as you want---and I'll come around and visit you this week!  I even plan on picking a post or two to feature so show me your stuff!

Here's the 2008 post:

Last night my husband and I were watching the Stargate SG-1 episode where Sam's new boyfriend is teasing her about quirkiness. He makes a comment that goes something like: "as long as you don't have alphabetized bookshelves..."

My husband looked at me and grinned his "you have weird quirkinesses" smile.

You see, I not only want my bookshelves alphabetized---I want them arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System. This has been a dream of mine ever since I began collecting books in my early childhood.

People keep telling us we need a bigger place because we have a lot of kids. They're all only half way right. Yes, a bigger place is needed...but not for the kids' sake. If we were to have one more bedroom than we have now, it would not be for kids---it would be for my dream library.

All arranged as Dewey would do it.

So... Are you ready to hear the good news?  My husband, in his Software Developer Geniusness, is creating a program for me so I can arrange all my books according to THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM!! Isn't that awesome?!!  Ha!

I'll be able to store information for every book in our home library on my computer and search for books according to several different categories like title, author, and keyword.  You might think this is a little extreme...but, what you may not know is...we have about 1,600 books in our home!!  An organizational system is very much needed!

And, on that nerdy note, I invite you to this week's Homemaking LinkUp Weekend!

Also linking with:
Tesha's Encouraging Link Up 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

School Book Shopping & Homemaking LinkUp Weekend

**NOTE**  This week has been a wild and crazy one so I did not get a new post up for today's link-up!  However, I've extended the time on this one from last week so please link up below!

 Good evening!  It's almost time for the weekend!!

Tonight begins one of my most favorite times of the year:  school book shopping!  While many kids are just finishing up their school year, our family is just settling into our routine for this year of homeschooling!  In our family, it works best to school all year, taking breaks of a week or two at a time, as needed throughout the year .  We usually start our school year about the first of February and do a little here and there up until the middle of May.  Then, we really get rolling and do the majority of our school-related activities throughout the summer and fall.  We stop completely right around the beginning of November and take the holiday months off.  This works well for us!  Since we have a baby coming in January, I'm hoping to do a little extra this summer so we can extend our winter break out a bit more than usual!
Our lesson on mummification!
I thought I'd share a few of our most favorite schooling resources so you can get a glimpse of some of the fun we have learning together!

The majority of our lessons are done as a family.  This is the most sane way that I have found to school a family of 11 with children ranging in age from 12 down to infant!  The kids do have their own Math and English studies that are geared toward their specific abilities though.  I don't assign the kids a grade level---they just work along in each subject at their own pace.

For Math and English, we use books from Rod and Staff Publishing.  These are very sweet and gentle books that challenge my kids with concepts presented in a very basic and straightforward way.  Written for use in Mennonite schools, I love how the lessons incorporate God's word and proper courtesy and manners.  My kids really enjoy the "old-fashioned" illustrations as well.  Lynzie, 12, is currently working through the level 4 books in both subjects.  Michael (10) and Elisha (9) are working through level 3 in Math and level 2 in English.  Cainan (7) is just about finished with level 2 in Math and is also working through level 2 in English.  I really like that this curriculum requires copying onto notebook paper.  While the books are inexpensive to begin with, (especially when they're found on eBay.com, paperbackswap.com, or curriculum-sharing websites) the fact that we can reuse these books every year is such a blessing!

We also use Rod and Staff books for our group studies in Science and Health.

Since we're a family of history buffs, we do a LOT of different history lessons.  Most of these lessons are taught from "living books": novels and historical accounts, as opposed to textbooks.  Currently, we're discussing a couple different periods of history.  One resource we are using is H.E. Marshall's Our Island Story, which covers the history of Britain as far back as anyone has recorded. 

A second WONDERFUL series we are going through is the Mystery of History curriculum.  These lessons take portions of the Bible and match them up with what went on in other parts of the world at the same time that Jacob and Esau were fighting over their birthright or the Israelites were marching on Jericho.

The thing I love best about our homeschool is the way we can just run with an idea.  While I do have specific goals for the kids and somewhat of a routine to follow, we are free to spend a whole day reading about the many King Henrys or watching a mother squirrel give her baby climbing lessons.  What a blessing to be able to give my kids the resources and freedom to learn about things that are interesting to them.  I wouldn't have it any other way!

Please link up your favorite posts below and have a wonderful weekend!

Linking with:

Raising Homemakers' Homemaking Link-Up 
Loving Our Children Tuesday
Tesha's Treasures

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