Showing posts with label Game Day Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game Day Challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Delivering the Goods! Odwalla CFK Game Day Challenge Round Two #CBias #SocialFabric

This month, Champions For Kids is partnering with Odwalla juice in a SIMPLE Service Project to round up some new or gently-used sports/outdoor equipment and donate it to a children's organization.  We decided to give our gifts to Pendleton Parks and Recreation!

Our family has benefited, on so many occasions, from the services that the Pendleton Parks and Rec provides.  Our homeschool group rents out this gym once a week to have free play time.   
Each year, they host the Daddy Daughter Dance---one of the highlights of the year for our girls!
They make sure we've got several baseball fields around town to play in.  Our homeschool group utilizes one specific park the majority of each year for sports.
They maintain all our beautiful parks and make sure we have clean and safe places to enjoy family time!
Before heading out for our shopping trip to collect items to donate to the Recreation Center gym and summer park time, I contacted the Parks & Rec to make sure that they were interested in the donation and to see what sorts of things they needed.  We've never given to a community-wide resource like this, so I wanted to make sure that we were providing things they could use.  Along with our donation of outside equipment, we gave a bunch of Odwalla juice! 

 If you'd like to see more  pictures of our shopping trip, you can check out my Google+ album featuring the #OdwallaCFK project. 
We set up an appointment and delivered the goods one sunny afternoon---on our way to the park!
The ladies who took the donations for us were so blessed by the kids' generosity that they let them each pick a tattoo!  Now our kids can't wait to go back to the Rec Center to play with the toys they donated!
For more information on how you can be involved with Champions For Kids, visit CFK at the following places:

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions are honest and are my own.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Odwalla CFK Game Day Challenge Round Two #CBias #SocialFabric

Tonight after piano lessons, Lynzie and I went on a little shopping adventure to give to an organization that we are so blessed to have in our community!   This month, Champions For Kids is partnering with Odwalla juice in a SIMPLE Service Project to round up some new or gently-used sports/outdoor equipment and donate it to a children's organization.  We want to give our gifts to Pendleton Parks and Recreation!

Before making our trip, I contacted the Parks & Rec to make sure that they were interested in the donation and to see what sorts of things they needed.  We've never given to a community-wide resource like this, so I wanted to make sure that we were providing things they could use.

One of the items mentioned was a playground ball.  I hope they're able to use the two giant tennis balls we found for them at Walmart!

Another need was bubbles.  Although our Walmart's shelves were pretty much cleaned out from Easter, we were able to find a few bottles left!

Along with our donation of outside equipment, we plan to give an armload of Odwalla juice!

I'm excited to take all the kids as we make our delivery next week! We have benefited from the use of the Rec Center during our homeschool free-play times.  I know the kids will be excited to be a part of providing more fun for the kids of Pendleton!

If you'd like to see more  pictures of our shopping trip and the other neat things we saw, you can check out my Google+ album featuring the #OdwallaCFK project.

For more information on how you can be involved with Champions For Kids, visit CFK at the following places:

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions are honest and are my own.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Odwalla Game Day Challenge: Delivering the Gifts! #CBias #SocialFabric

 A couple of weeks ago, I told you about our family's trip to Walmart to purchase some outdoor equipment and Odwalla juice.  We are participating in this month's SIMPLE Service Project with Champions for Kids, and were rounding up some things to donate to a local daycare.

If you'd like to see more  pictures of our shopping trip and the fun things we saw, you can check out my Google+ album featuring the #OdwallaCFK project.

A few days ago, we arranged with Haley to deliver the gifts to her and her daycare kids.  We covered a box in bright blue paper and arranged all of the donations in it.  We gave 2 butterfly nets, 4 large bubble wands, 1 large bottle of refill bubbles, 2 big boxes of sidewalk chalk, 2 big balls, and 8 bottle of Odwalla Juice!
Three of Haley's day care kids were there at the time of delivery.  They were all so excited to receive our gift!
The three boys were jumping up and down and telling us what all the things in the box were.  As soon as we left, they all ran out into the backyard to start playing with their new things.  Many of the bubbles floated around to the front yard and followed us as we drove off!
What a great lesson for our family:  It truly is better to give than to receive.  Putting together this project for Haley's day care was so fun.  I know they really enjoyed having some new fun things to play with outside!
For more information on how you can be involved with Champions For Kids, visit CFK at the following places:

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias.  #CBias  All opinions are true and are my own.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Odwalla Game Day Challenge Shopping Adventure #Cbias

Yesterday, our family went on a shopping adventure to bless a very special group of kids in our community.   This month, Champions For Kids is partnering with Odwalla juice in a SIMPLE Service Project to round up some new or gently-used sports/outdoor equipment and donate it to a children's organization.  Our family was blessed to be able to participate!
I was recently made aware of a sweet girl in our community who has opened a daycare in her home and was in need of some fun things for the kids to enjoy playing with outside.  I contacted Haley and she gave me a few ideas for things her daycare kids would have fun with!

My husband and I loaded up the crew and we all headed to Walmart for some Odwalla juice and outside items to give to Haley's daycare.  We usually participate in some sort of service project at Christmas time, as well as when the opportunity arrives throughout the year.  It just occurred to me, however, that we did not do anything in this way this last Christmas so I'm glad we have the chance to do this now!
One of the things Haley mentioned was sidewalk chalk so we got them two big boxes!
She also specified butterfly nets.  Cainan and Elisha found some high up on this display.
I had never purchased Odwalla before; and the kids, knowing that this time we were shopping for others, asked me to please buy them some next time I go grocery shopping!  It looked so good!  
(Pay no attention to the crying baby in the background!  He was upset because he didn't get to hold a juice so Daddy was trying to play "high five" with him... Even though it looks like he's actually about to get whacked!)
If you'd like to see more  pictures of our shopping trip and the fun things we saw, you can check out my Google+ album featuring the #OdwallaCFK project.

For more information on how you can be involved with Champions For Kids, visit CFK at the following places:

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias.  #CBias  All opinions are true and are my own.
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