
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don't Misplace God's Glory

You know on Charlotte's Web, at the end, when everyone is singing the praises of Wilbur the pig: "He's Some Terrific, Radiant, Humble, Thing-a-Majig Of a Pig"... Well, I was contemplating that song recently, and realized something. It's not the pig who is terrific, radiant, humble, for crying out loud---it's the spider!!! The pig did absolutely nothing to make himself praiseworthy---it was Charlotte, his spider friend, who used all her gifts and abilities to make him shine. Did anyone ever think to give glory to the spider? Nope, she just gave birth to her most magnificent masterpiece...and then died. Talk about humility...

So, it got me (eventually) thinking about Hebrews 11. In this chapter, we find the Hall of Faith...all the great men and women of renown and all their worthy accomplishments in the name of faith. Not to discount these honorable brothers and sisters in the faith---but don't we see some liars here? Some murderers? Adulterers? I mean, when we look really closely, the things that make these people worth remembering are all the things that the Lord did in their lives by His power and covenant with them. It is nothing that they did on their own. They would be unmentionable nobodies---runts doomed to death---if it weren't for the Lord.

Now, I don't want to make a big deal out of what is meant to be an innocent and lighthearted story, I'm just using Wilbur's tale as an example.  We are warned about this practice of giving glory where glory isn't due in Romans 1:25 where Paul mentions the people "who exchanged the truth for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever."  

Sometimes God's glory can be misplaced and misunderstood.  The Lord does wonderful things through us and, often times, those around us see these wonderful things and begin to think highly of us.  It's fine for us to talk up our spouses or brag on our kids---as long as we ultimately give the glory back to God.  It can be something as simple as replacing, "My husband is so awesome.  He found this great job and is the best employee on his team," with something like this: "God is so awesome!  He blessed my husband with this great job and has helped him become a valuable member of his team."

Our family struggles with receiving misplaced glory a lot.  Our kids are well-behaved and converse well and politely with people of any age. My husband and I love each other and are one another's best friend---and it shows.  Our home is clean and welcoming.  Sometimes we feel like Wilbur, as those who see us from the outside tell us how great we are.  We have a responsibility to give that glory back to God, as we would have nothing and be nothing if it weren't for God's blessings in our lives.  Blessings we've done nothing to earn---but blessings, nonetheless.

I'm sure that many honorees in God's "Hall of Faith" would not have ever imagined that they would be known in history as faithful, loyal, Godly men and women.  Paul also tells us in Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Even though we all mess up and find ourselves in less-than-honorable situations, isn't it wonderful that we have the opportunity to ask Jesus to cover us, restore us and set us up in His Hall of Faith as well!

From now on, when I think of these "great men and women of faith", I'll remember that they are only known as "great" because of the One who lives in them---the only true Great One, Jesus!

This post was published in Issue #45 of The Christian Home magazine. 

(1/18) Linking With:  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kids' First Stitches Display Project

This year's Christmas was a crafty Christmas at our house.  Each of the older kids (5 to 11) asked for different items for crafting.  Lynzie, 11, received some supplies for ribbon embroidery, a book on how to make stuffed animals from the Peter Rabbit series, and a bunch of yarn and Aida cloth for various projects. 

Cainan, 7, really wanted to learn to cross stitch so he got a starter box of needed things for that. Elisha, 8, has been begging me to teach him to sew, so he got a box of sewing supplies and a promise to raid my box of scraps.  I wanted to teach Selah, 5, to stitch a straight line, so we got her a small sewing kit as well.
Here is Selah working on her first stitching project!  I drew lines on a piece of cloth and she stitched along each one of them.  After that, I wrote her name and she stitched over that too!  She has really enjoyed practicing on her little pieces of cloth---the other day she taught herself to sew on a button!
I used the same idea with Elisha.  He stitches like a pro now!

After Elisha finished his first little sampler, he was ready to move on to making a pillow!  This has been a dream of his for most of this last year!  I'll post pictures when he gets all done with it.

My husband, Jamie, bought me this pretty scrapbooking paper for Christmas---it's Victorian themed.  I made this display to show off the kids' hard work and stitched the words, "First Stitches" along the bottom.  You can click on the picture to see it more closely.  I plan on using this paper in several projects this winter and spring, as I transition our home out of Christmas decorations!

Linking with:  
Show Off Your Cottage Monday @ The House in the Roses

Lily-Rose Cottage

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wrapping Up Christmas -- Homemaking Link-Up Weekend

Well, I'm a little later than usual this year, but I think it's about time I put away our Christmas decorations!  While it was a great Christmas, I still regret that it went by so quickly and I wish we would have stressed less and enjoyed more!

There were a few things that I had taken photos of in December and had planned to feature here but never did get to it...so, I thought I'd do that today for the Homemaking Link-Up Weekend!
My Mom bought me this gorgeous teapot when we went for our annual Christmas shopping day the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I love it---thanks, Mom!
Mom also gave me my great grandma's neat vintage tree and deer.  I'd love to find more in this set!
Here's all the family (except Liam who was napping) after they'd completed the annual gingerbread house!
Dad got pretty creative this year with his decorating ideas!  Love it!
Would you like to participate in the party each week but just can't remember do link up?  There's a couple things I can do to help you out with that!  First, there's a cute button at the top of my sidebar that you can put on your blog to serve as a reminder for you---and an advertisement for me!  Secondly, I can send you an email reminder!  I send out a short email to participants who've requested one on Wednesday nights to remind everyone about the party.  Please let me know in the comments below if you'd like me to do that for you!

I'd love to have you link up your homemaking posts below!  Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

Also linking with:

Beverly's Pink Saturday

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