
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Never Be Afraid to Burn a Candle...

I'm hosting a giveaway in honor of my new linking party! Read through for details!

For a creative thinker, inspiration can come at the least likely of times. It can sneak up on you when you're not expecting it and begin to weave it's way through your thoughts. One thing is for sure about inspiration: it makes itself known and demands to be fed.

Last Saturday, I was blessed and inspired by a post I read at a new-to-me blog, My Place to Yours. The author talked about the importance of not waiting for "someday" to arrive but, instead, to seize the day while it's here. She used the illustration of a pink candle sculpted like a rose that she'd been saving in a drawer rather than setting it out and burning it---and enjoying it. Please take a minute to read her post here. You will be so blessed!

She challenged each of her readers to do the same--to find that "pink candle sculpted like a rose" and burn it. (Of course we don't all have that exact candle but you get the idea...) Here is my story of my rose candle:

When my mom bought Whitey's Carmel Corn a few years ago, we went through the gift shop upstairs to make some order out of it and get things displayed and ready to sell. Amongst the faux flowers and assorted trinkets (the previous owner was a florist, I believe), we found the cutest little candle sculpted like a rose. I have a feeling that it is probably a fairly old candle---probably from the 1950s or so, from the look of it.

As mom has changed her displays up there over the past couple of years, the candle has moved from one spot to another...but has never been purchased. Recently, mom gave me a couple of boxes of things from her gift shop and that candle was included. When we got home from our visit with her a couple weeks ago, I set the boxes in the hallway to go through later. A few days later, my little daughter, Avalon, came toddling through the kitchen with that candle in her hands. Afraid she'd take a big ol' bite out of it, I took it away and set it on the counter. Later on that day, as I was cleaning up, I mindlessly tossed it in a sack in the hallway---the yard sale sack.

Fast forward to last Saturday as I'm reading the above-mentioned post. As soon as I was done reading her candle story, I knew which one I'd want to feature. But wait! Where did I stick that thing anyway? Suddenly, it dawned on me. (That's how long it takes sometimes to come back to consciousness when you've got as many things on the brain as I do!!) I began pawing frantically through the yard sale sacks in the hallway, hoping the candle wasn't in one of the ones that my husband had already donated to the church.

Luckily, I found it...and this is what I did with it:

I blew it out after a few minutes, of course, as I want to make it last awhile. I was reminded of a great lesson this week. My mom has a saying that goes something like, "Never be afraid to pick a flower even though you know it will wither." My new saying is, "Never be afraid to burn a candle..especially if it's been sitting around for 60 years!"

GIVEAWAY: I'm hosting a giveaway in honor of my new Wednesday linking party. Click HERE for up to 5 chances to win!

Linking up today with
Susan at My Place to Yours and...


New Wednesday Party---Link Up! (Giveway Too!)

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations and thanks to Audra Marie, blessed winner of my great box of treats!

I'm hosting a giveaway in honor of my new linking party! Read through for details!

Hello Bloggy Friends! I'm so excited to announce my new linking party: "What's Your Answer Wednesday"!

One of my favorite things about Bloghopping is learning new things from other bloggers. I thought this would be a fun way to pool our resourceful thoughts and learn from one another. Each Wednesday, I'll post a question for my readers to answer. You can give a short, long or in-between answer and even post links or pictures to go along with your answer. If you'd like, you can be on a list that will send the question out to you a little earlier in the week so you can be prepared Wednesday morning with a fabulous post to link up. You can also just tag your answer on to the beginning, end or middle of your regular Wednesday post and link that up. Whatever works for you!

I'd love it if my readers would send in questions to be asked, as well as link up each Wednesday to participate. You can find a button on the right side bar. (Please be aware there are TWO buttons on my right sidebar associated with my blog. The first is just the plain ol' blog button. The one below it is the button for the linking party. You are welcome to take both).

In honor of next Wednesday's big launch, I'm hosting a giveaway of some of my favorite things. I went shopping last night and gathered up a little bit of goodies to pass on to one lucky participant. I've got my favorite peppermint tea, a little box of chocolates, a couple of fall themed tea towels, an apple pie jar candle, a souvenir magnet with beautiful hummingbirds and flowers and a Gratitude Journal to count your blessings out on paper!

There are 5 ways to be entered to win:

1. Leave a comment on this post

2. Become a follower or subscribe to my blog by email. Please leave a SEPARATE comment to let me know you've done this.

3. Put my "Blogging While Waiting" button on your blog.
Please leave a SEPARATE comment to let me know you've done this.

4. Put my "What's Your Answer Wednesday" button on your blog.
Please leave a SEPARATE comment to let me know you've done this.

5. Let me know you'd like to be included in a weekly reminder email that will remind you to participate in "What's Your Answer Wednesday". If your email is not posted on your blog profile then please send me a message so I can put you on the list. You may be removed at any time at your request.
Please leave a SEPARATE comment to let me know you've done this.

The drawing is open to all readers worldwide and will take place on August 31st. I look forward to meeting lots of new friends and learning a lot too! Thanks for participating!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reminiscing: Wordless Wednesday

Seriously...did you really think I'd be able to publish a WORDLESS post? Well, I came close anyway... Linking up with Wordless Wednesday at wordlesswednesday.com, as well as at the Miller Racing Family blog. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
ALSO!! I'm hosting a giveaway in honor of my new Wednesday linking party. Click HERE for up to 5 chances to win!

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Time to Jam! ~Gratituesday~

I have to admit, I'm not a fan of summer! Up until this past January, I lived my whole life in Eastern Oregon---freezing cold winters and hot, dry, dusty summers. I've never enjoyed the heat, don't like to swim in public, and regularly burn instead of tan. Summer is just not my thing. However, there is one redeeming thing about my least favorite season: berries!

When we moved up here to Northern Washington at the first of the year, I couldn't have been more thrilled. At first, I could think of nothing, short of family and friends, that we'd miss about Oregon. As time went on, I began to remember things that were traditions for our family that we'd not be able to do now that we were six hours from home. One of those yearly traditions was our early August trips to the small town of Weston to pick blackberries near a little bridge on the outskirts of town.

Little did I know what God had up his sleeve....

A few months ago, these crazy, viney plants began to overrun our back fence, weaving their way up into our gigantic Rhododendron bush.

A couple weeks ago, I decided to brave the jungle and start chopping away at the thorny brambles that had begun creeping into our lawn.


God knew I'd miss our berry picking times, as well as the joy of making our homemade jam that we ration out so carefully all year long. So, he brought the berries right to my back door!

Today I'm linking up with Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers. If you have a few minutes, head over there and see what others are thankful for today.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Things We Remember: Pink Saturday

Today is Pink Saturday over at How Sweet the Sound. One can't help but be put into a better mood after reading through some of these happy PINK blogs! I've linked up with this party as a challenge to myself to find (or acquire!) pink things. My morphing from tomboy to ladylike lady has been slow and pink is a newly acquired taste!

Yesterday, while getting ready to go shop yard sales of all things, I decided to spritz on some of my "spendy perfume". A few years ago, my Mom took me on a shopping spree and bought me several really nice things. One was this PINK bottle of Gucci Envy Me perfume. I only wear it on super special occasions or when I look especially gorgeous! Yard Sales are special occasions, right? Ha!

Anyway, when I got into the car my 10-year-old daughter went on and on about how she loved the smell of my perfume and how it reminded her of Christmas and... She told me all the things that the smell reminded her of---all happy memories of me. This, on one hand, makes me want to wear it more often---since she likes it so much. On the other hand, I think I'll stick to every now and then---I want her to keep those special memories, rather than allow them to wear out their welcome too fast!

I got to thinking last night about some of my early memories of my Mom. Here are just a few things---

As long as I can remember, her favorite color has always been purple. She had a green handled nail file that she always kept on the coffee table in the living room, along with a white flowered candy dish and a larger blue Carnival Glass covered pedestal dish. (By the way, Mom, I found this in an antique store last week...didn't buy it but can go back for it if you want it!) I remember sitting on her lap in the truck, late at night after a fishing trip, and playing Pac-Man with the window roller-downer thing and the lock button. This game was fine as long as I didn't touch the door handle! Several scents remind me of my Mom: Enjoli, Lady Stetson, Charlie, Wind Song, lavender, cinnamon rolls. My mom likes to watch Looney Tunes cartoons and she used to sell Avon.

When I was little, she liked to watch Dynasty and General Hospital and the Ogilvie lady always reminded me of her...Victoria something. When I was in grade school, she tried to make every class party---bringing cupcakes, cookies, or other pretty treats that she had worked so hard on the night before. I remember orange frosted pumpkin cookies with candy corn eyes and green frosted stems on Halloween. Red Hots were a key ingredient for Valentine's Day. She even showed up to one party dressed as a clown---I acted mortified, but inside I was so proud!

I think of my Mom when I hear Olivia Newton-John's Let's Get Physical, as well as the Beatles or the Eagles. My mom makes the best fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and buttered corn. When I was little, I loved to watch her put on her makeup but she'd always kick me out of the bathroom---she still would! Two things that can always be found in my Mom's makeup drawer are Maybelline mascara---the pink one with the green lid---and the black eyeliner pencil that is painted red with the red lid.

The more I write, the more I think of so I'll stop for now! What are some of your memories of your mother---or another special woman in your life? It seems a lot of young girls dread the day that they become their mother. Not me. I've been praying to be more like her since I was a really little girl! It makes me proud to see the ways in which I've become more and more like her in looks and personality.

Happy Pink Saturday to all my readers---but especially to Mom!

Friday, August 6, 2010

This Article Will Feed Your Addiction.

It has occurred to me lately that I have an Internet addiction. My husband has teased me about it for a couple of years now---but I think there's really a problem here and I intend to fix it.

In preparation for this article, I did a little research into Internet addiction. I found that in 1995, the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery was formed, as an alarming trend had begun to emerge of people involved in compulsive surfing, Internet gambling, Internet gaming, and Internet affairs. There are actual treatment centers all over the US and abroad that serve to treat those suffering from Internet addiction. Wow.

Many people who wouldn't think of picking up a dangerous drug or alcohol habit would be offended if they were told they had an Internet addiction. What defines an addiction anyway? According to www.netaddiction.com, meeting five of the following symptoms would make you a candidate for diagnosis:

1. Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (think about previous online activity or anticipate next online session)?

2. Do you feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction?

3. Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use?

4. Do you feel restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use?

5. Do you stay online longer than originally intended?

6. Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet?

7. Have you lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet?

8. Do you use the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression)?

Personally, I'd say just one of those is an indication that you might be taking things a little too far...

I've been thinking about why I might find myself turning to the Internet for entertainment/distraction/avoidance. I think the main thing that is drawing me lately is FarmVille on Facebook. My brother, a game designer for EA Salt Lake, says that these types of games are designed to build an addiction fast. They start out by rewarding the player for every small accomplishment but, over time, it takes longer and longer to achieve a similar result and accomplishment. Others have realized the addictive nature of the game as evidenced on the Facebook page, How To Quit FarmVille!!

I think it's that sense of accomplishment that draws me to FarmVille. I told a friend the other day, only half-joking: "It's pretty bad when my house is trashed but my farm looks great!" Now, I wouldn't say my house is necessarily trashed, but there are definitely areas of the house that I never seem to "have the time to get to". The sense of accomplishment after housework is short-lived around my place. Even though the kids have all been trained to pick up after themselves, a house inhabiting nine people is bound to avoid spotlessness! My farm, however, is a place that is orderly and peaceful all the time---and I did it all by myself!

Recently, a fellow Facebooker and distant relative (whom I've not yet met) took a Facebook quiz about me. The question was, "Do you think Sarah spends more than eight hours a day online?" His answer was, "Of course not. She is a good mommy." Wow.

Because of the huge amount of guilt that washes over me when I read that, let me preface this next part by reminding myself that I am a good mommy. Anyone who knows me will agree. However, does my time online interfere with the kind of mommy I want to be? Absolutely.

I'm ashamed to say that it's very possible that I do spend eight accumulated hours online on some days. I usually feed my newborn in front of the computer, but if his feeding is done and I'm not, then I tend to stay longer. He eats every two hours right now so that time definitely adds up fast! It is summer though so I just keep telling myself that the kids are on summer break and have lots of free time so I'm just giving myself the same...ha! Still, I feel guilty...there's so much more we could be doing.

I'm not going to beat myself up about it...I'm just going to make some changes. First thing that is going is FarmVille. Just the thought that someone designed it to be ultra addicting ticks me off and makes me want to boycott it out of spite! There are so many other things I'd like to be doing online. For instance, I'd like to continue my ancestry research on Ancestry.com. I would also like to write in my blog more, as well as read the articles others have written in theirs. I'd like to craft, sew, and scrapbook more. I want to take on some DIYs and beautify my house. I want to learn to play my guitar, Celtic harp and cello. I'll also be starting back to school this fall online.

All of those things will feed my creative soul and bring a sense of accomplishment---and we'll ALL be better for it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I "Blue" It! (Confession Time!) Blue Monday

Welcome to Blue Monday! Today I'm linking up with Smiling Sally (it's been awhile!) Thanks for hosting Sally! Readers, please visit Smiling Sally for more Blue Monday!

So ho ho....confession time. I blew it! Like just about every other person on this planet, I was going merrily along on my happy little diet when BAM! Temptation came along and knocked me off course!

After having baby #7 in mid-May, I immediately began working on losing the baby weight, plus some, so I wouldn't be too walrus-like whenever #8 decided to come along! Around the first of July, I proudly proclaimed that I was nearing a 30 pound loss since having Liam (yes, actually having Liam is included in that 30 pounds! :)

The night of July 4th, we had some friends over to set off fireworks and my friend Megan showed up in a cute top and skirt. Feeling frumpy and dumpy in my too-big jeans (the only pair of jeans I own--I had put them on just to show Jamie that they were too big), I hurried into the bedroom to change into something cuter. On a whim, I took out this blue skirt from my closet---a yard sale find that had always been too small...I was saving it for a skinny day. I was so thrilled to find that it slipped on easily and looked so cute!

I wore the skirt several more times over that next couple weeks and every time I couldn't help but comment to my husband how amazed I was that I was finally into that cute skirt and how much I loved it! When we headed home to Oregon for a week long visit in mid-July, I packed it with the intention of wearing it to the baby shower my mom was holding for me.

I spent the next 5 days pigging out on whatever I wanted! I was on vacation, after all! As you can imagine, by the time my baby shower rolled around, my skirt did not fit anymore! It looked horrible...so I took it off and put it back into my bag, defeated.

I've spent the last week or so since we've been home feeling defeated still. I'm frustrated with myself for my lack of self-control and I'm feeling like I just don't want to try again.

However, there's this cute blue skirt hanging in my closet reminding me that I was small enough to wear it just a few weeks ago. How long could it possibly take to get back into it?

I'm challenging myself to feature the blue skirt again on Blue Monday two weeks from now. However, instead of dressing it up with pretties like I did above, I'll be wearing it---comfortably. Pray for me, if you think of it, as food addiction is a difficult thing to overcome. I'm determined though---just gotta keep those positive thoughts at the forefront of my mind!

In the meantime, feel free to check out the rest of my blog, as well as Sally's list of Blue Monday participants!

Happy Blue Monday!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pyrex, Strawberries and a Mystery! Vintage Thingie Thursday

Wow! It's been a really long time since I've done a Vintage Thingie Thursday post! What a busy summer! When you're finished reading mine, head over to Coloradolady's blog to find more participants in Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Today I'm featuring a little mix of things I've acquired over the past few weeks. First of all, I'd like to show off a gift from my Mom (remember, I told you how great she is in this post). My mom has been excited about building her collection of vintage Pyrex bowls for awhile now so I know this was a special gift for her to give me. When I came home to visit last week, she picked out one of each of her best bowls and gave them to me so I'd have a set! Is that awesome or what??!!

I love you Mom! Thank you!!!

Next up are a couple more additions to my strawberry collection! You might remember, I featured my slow-growing collection in this post. Well, I've found two more great pieces...

While we were home visiting Oregon, I found this cute strawberry teapot at a yard sale for a dollar! It WAS in perfect condition...but some dingbat (named ME) didn't wrap it up safely and it fell and got chipped up. It's still cute though!

Secondly, I found this little Avon bottle at my neighbor's place (I live next door to the thrift store!) It originally held bath foam and is meaningful to me, 1. because it goes with my collection and 2. because my mom sold Avon when I was really little and she has happy memories of her time as the Avon lady.

Lastly is a little mystery item! My mom gave me a bunch of knick knack thingies out of her gift shop while I was down visiting and the item below is one of them. I've got a pretty good idea as to what I think it is but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what exactly it is or can offer some ideas on how to use it! It is very heavy (crystal, I think) and has three places molded into it where it seems one would stick something in them to use it as a stand or holder of some sort.

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday, everyone! Hope this is a great day for each of you!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Hope sits still and serene at the edge of a melodious river, dangling one bare foot into the warm, blue water. Her lovely blonde ringlets reflect the light of the afternoon sun and form a shimmering halo around her young head. Though she can’t help but raise her eyes every so often to the far-off hills, He has told her to wait patiently and so she will. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” He’d promised. If she has learned anything from past experience, she’s learned that time is relative no matter where one is. Even in this youthful body, she knows that the time it takes to endure is well worth the rewards that fortitude brings.

Since patience seems to be coming much more easily than normal this day, she begins to take inventory of her new appearance. Strangely, she can not see her reflection in the water in front of her. From the moment she arrived here in this glorious place, she’s wondered about herself. There isn’t much she can learn about what’s inside; about her dreams, wishes and longings. She’s treasured all of these, along with many thoughts and questions, since the day she was conceived. It’s her outside that is so new and clean and unfamiliar.

With a little shake of her head, she can see that her hair is golden and beautiful. She reaches for a curl and lets the silky strand slide around her fingers and over the back of her hand. As she moves to examine the hand more closely, she spies a simple white butterfly hovering near her knee. She watches with innocent interest for just a moment before it flutters over to a nearby snapdragon and gracefully lands beside it in the grass.

Lifting the small, delicate hand up to eye-level seems so simple now and she marvels at the lightness of it; both in skin tone and in weight. Turning this hand right-side up, she examines the lines upon her tiny palm. Amazing, she thinks, and so real.

Her eyes follow the motion as she slowly places the hand back in her lap. Fixing her gaze on the arm for just a moment, she changes her mind about resting it and, using her newly-nimbled fingers, explores the length of the opposite arm. Leisurely, she runs her fingers up and back down. Tickles, she says to herself, as even now the new word tickles her tongue.

A slippery smoothness is caressing the bottom of her one wet foot. Her brown eyes settle on a long and shiny creature gliding through the water. Father loves fish, she thinks to herself. But just as quick as it caught her attention, the creature is gone and her mind becomes occupied elsewhere.

“She’s here,” the butterfly whispers up to the snapdragon. The flower shivers with a sudden air of excitement and replies, “So soon? I didn’t realize we’d get to see her so perfectly formed so early!” The butterfly sighs. “Yes, she’s a beauty, isn’t she? She’s just the image of perfection!” She flurries up to give the snapdragon a butterfly kiss and then takes off back into the sky in search of a honeysuckle treat.

The snapdragon proudly pulls herself up to her full height--six inches at last measurement. As she stretches her lush leaves against the warm sun’s rays, a tiny yawn escapes from her delicate, pink lips. Lifting her head to peer over the sleeping marigolds, she stands upon the tips of her toes (which are firmly rooted in the ground, of course) and sees, just over the nearest hillside, exactly what she is looking for.

“Come children, come quickly”, the Man says as he ascends the last mound of lush, emerald hilltop. He takes care not to hurry the young family, most of them less than five years old. The Man turns to face this great group of children, His very presence commanding their complete attention. He smiles warmly and lovingly, sits down on a nearby rock and takes a young Asian boy on his lap. “Children”, he says, “I want you to remember back to the first time you realized you were in Hope’s place. Be patient, be kind. Be gentle and show her love. Come. Let’s go down to the river.”

The friendly party makes their way across the honey-scented meadow. “Look”, cries the Man, “there by the water!” He stops the children and they all stand still, amazed at the way the sunlight bounces off her flaxen hair. “She looks like my Angel”, says a little Irish red-headed girl, “only my Angel is a lot bigger than that!”

“Come”, says the Man, “Let’s take some time to offer our welcome wishes to this newest reflection of me. There’s a new child in Heaven today.”

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Sunday Afternoon: Vintage Thingie Thursday

Yesiree! It's that time again...Vintage Thingie Thursday! Every Wednesday night, when it suddenly dawns on me that the next day is my favorite blogging day, I say to my husband: "Guess what tomorrow is?" He says, "Vintage day!" Yep, he gets excited for me too! If you have the chance today, go on over to Coloradolady's blog and check out Vintage Thingie Thursday.

Today I am showing off something very special to me! When I was a little girl, my mom, brother and I, went for a walk one day and found this plate at a yard sale. We thought it was very special and ended up giving it to my great-grandmother, Grammy Irma. She hung it in her kitchen and it was always my most favorite thing in her home. When she passed away in 1999, this plate was the only thing I wanted from her things. It has always hung in whatever kitchen I've had, these last 11 years.

Last year, I was snooping around in a thrift store and found this framed picture of the same scene. There are minor differences, but it's obviously meant to be the same picture. There are no markings on the picture at all but the plate does have a silver and red sticker on the back that says, "Japan" and the numbers 5956 are written below it. Along the bottom of the back of the plate are written the words, "A Sunday Afternoon".

I looked all over online tonight but can't find any information on it at all. I'd be interested to know which scene came first: the plate or the drawing. I'd also like to know if there are other things out there to go with it--perhaps a figurine?

Thanks for stopping by today---hope you have a wonderful Vintage Thingie Thursday!

God is NOT on our side!

Joshua 5: 13-15-- "Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" He said, "No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the Lord." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" The captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so."

A pastor friend of ours posts daily Bible studies to his Facebook page. Today I was reading his notes on these verses and was struck by this: "God is not on our side. We are on his." Or rather, we should be on his. Often times, when reflecting on a crisis situation for example, people will say, "Thank God we had the Lord on our side." However, that's not exactly the case. It's not like God looks at a situation and chooses which side to be on. God is good and true and right and just in all sides and situations.

When we come over to God's side, we often reap the benefits and blessings of his protection so it would seem that he's pleased with us for "doing right" and is rewarding us by being on our team. The problem with that logic comes when we try to see the flip side. If he's rewarding us by being "on our side" and allowing us to live a happy, easy, blessed life, then what does it mean when life turns scary, ugly, difficult and unfair? It must mean that God's not on our side anymore, right? These bad things must indicate that God is mad at us and punishing us by removing his blessing.

That is SO not the case! While it's true that we will reap these bad "side effects" of disobedience, often times bad things just happen to good people (whole 'nother topic---not goona go there tonight!) The Lord promised never to leave us or forsake us (Josh. 1:5). David encourages us with this thought: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me" (Ps. 23:4).

However, God is not going to sanction sin--no matter how slight or unconscious. That's why he can't be on our side--we are sinful beings. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). We fluctuate between good days and bad days. We have our own wills and they're usually self-centered. How wise we'd be to come over to the side of the one who is steady and unchanging!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

(Can't Think of a Non-Sacrilegious Pig-ish Title): Pink Saturday

I'd first like to apologize to all Pink Saturday participants. I've just been made aware that due to an unforseen circumstance, my Pink Saturday post did not get put up. In desperation, I've put this up as I'm just about to leave for the day and won't have a chance to do a new one. This is an old post from a couple of years ago. I'm aware that the only thing that makes this one "count" is the pink piggy icon---but hopefully I can squeak by this week and you'll still enjoy the "deep thoughts" (Ha Ha) of this post anyway. Have a great Pink Saturday everyone--I look forward to visiting other PS blogs tonight!

, I really had to think about it to get the following revelation to line up to some spiritual truth...so bear with me.

You know on Charlotte's Web, at the end, when everyone is singing the praises of the pig. "He's Some Terrific, Radiant, Humble Thing-a-Majig Of a Pig"... Well, I was contemplating that song today and realized something. It's not the pig who is terrific, radiant, humble, for crying out loud---it's the spider!!! The pig did absolutely nothing to make himself praiseworthy---it was Charlotte, his spider friend, who used all her gifts and abilities to make him shine. Did anyone ever think to give glory to the spider? Nope, she just gave birth to her most magnificent masterpiece...and then died. Talk about humility...

So, it got me (eventually) thinking about Hebrews 11. In this chapter, we find the Hall of Faith...all the great men and women of renown and all their worthy accomplishments in the name of faith. Not to discount these honorable brothers and sisters in the faith---but don't we see some liars here? Some murderers? Adulterers? I mean, when we look really closely, the things that make these people worth remembering are all the things that the Lord has done in their lives by his power and covenant with them. It is nothing that they have done on their own. They would be unmentionable nobodies---runts doomed to death---if it weren't for the Lord.

That chapter that we refer to as the Hall of Faith---from now on, I'll try to consider it God's Hall of Fame---and give credit where credit is due.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Folksy Finds: Vintage Thingie Thursday

Yahoo! It's my favorite blog party of the week: Vintage Thingie Thursday! Visit Coloradolady to see everyone's special vintage posts!

I'm extra excited today to be showing off a few of my "folksy finds" from the last week. My husband gave me a couple hours and $20 and told me to have a good time...so I hit the Salvation Army! I'm not hard to please :) Some of my treasures included a set of 12 linen dinner napkins that had never been used, a set of 12 vintage glass dessert dishes that I plan to use for jello, and a surprise vintagy treat that you don't get to see until Christmas time!

Today I thought I'd focus on the things I found that were in my "folk art" theme that I love so much. First of all, I found a neat little kitchen plaque with a cute rhyme about homemaking. It reads: My Kitchen Prayer--God bless my little kitchen, I love its every nook, And bless me as I do my work, Wash pots and pans and cook.

I love the old fashioned cook stove, geraniums and checkered tablecloth. I even have a chair that looks just like the one in the picture!

The second and third things I found that are sorta folksy are this hot chocolate mug and soup bowl.

The cup is definitely vintage and reminds me of something...(help me out here, Mom!) I'm not sure if the soup cup is vintage or not but it's got that same sort of feel so it will do! It translates to Creole Soup in French (I think...). To cook creole style, one would use a spicy sauce made of tomatoes, onions and peppers. It's likely this cup will see more clam chowder, potato soup or broccoli and cheddar than anything else!

I've saved the best for last! I'm so, so very excited about this one! I have been a collector of a certain style of figurines for awhile now but have known nothing about them. Some people call them Hummels but I know that they're not. In fact, the artist is named Erich Stauffer and the figurines are put out by a company called Arnart. I was so excited to discover this adorable musical figurine sitting amongst the knick knacks at SA! It is in just perfect shape and plays the tune, "Jack and Jill" beautifully. I've been trying to find one online to read more about it but can't find anything similar. I just think it's the most adorable thing ever and feel very blessed to have found it!

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Liam: Wordless Wednesday

Happy One Month Birthday, Liam Bradley!

Visit Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Life We Don't Yet Know

I was flipping through an old journal tonight and came across an entry dated March 14, 2000 with this quote from Jeff Lucas: "The life we give Jesus is the life we don't yet know."

At the time of that entry, I had been following Christ for about a year and a half---about the same amount of time that I'd been married. Our first child was only 3 months old. My husband and I were both 20 years old.

I don't remember, of course, what went through my mind at the time that I wrote that down---but I'm sure I had no idea really what it even meant.

I was still another three and a half years away from the day when I would cry out to God and ask him to forgive me for my on and off loyalty to him, my husband and my family---the day that really turned my life around for the better. I was still another seven years away from the most horrible day of my life yet---when I screamed into a bath towel at the top of my lungs for half an hour as I delivered my miscarried child at 8 weeks along. I was still ten years away from the day that I would plead with God, with complete peace and belief in his goodness, for the life of the child I was delivering in an emergency procedure---the child who turns one month old tomorrow and is sleeping peacefully and healthily at the other end of the house now.

So many times we are afraid to give God our lives because they are filled with so many things that we don't want to give up. When God was asking me to give my life to him back in the fall of 1998, I was reluctant for several reasons. I knew that by completely laying down my will, I'd no longer be "allowed" certain pleasures: the seemingly innocent flirtations and attentions of men who weren't my husband. The ability to "settle" any dispute with a string of profanities---a slap across the face---maybe even a shove to the ground for whomever I was arguing with.
I'd have to be responsible to an earthly authority, my husband, and a heavenly authority, God. I'd have to give up my music, my movies, my mind games and my manipulations. I'd have to be honest. I'd have to be vulnerable.

On one hand, I wish that I could have taken my 19-year-old self on a time travel tour of what life would be like just a decade later...although I have a feeling that the former "me" would not be able to recognize the "present" me---so it would be a wasted trip! What peace and comfort and calm that would have brought to the younger "me".

On the other hand, if I'd had known then what I know now, I wonder how much of it I would have screwed up trying to make sure it happened? And...I wouldn't now have the joy and wouldn't feel such overwhelming thankfulness in looking back to see what a beautiful thing God has made of my life.

God is so faithful. He can be trusted---he loves us! I thought I knew what life I was giving God when I gave him my life 11 and a half years ago. I thought I was giving him the life of a lying, disobedient, unfaithful, hate-filled, and very hurt girl who had grown up way too fast and thought she knew it all.

In reality, God destroyed all that in the transfer. What I was really giving him was a clean, white canvas on which to paint the masterpiece that is, and will be, my life. I was giving him at least 11 years, 10 months, and 20 days of the beautiful marriage of two best friends. I was giving him Lynzie, Michael and Elisha. I was giving him the opportunity to step in and consecrate my life and roles as mother and wife. I was giving him Cainan and Selah. I was giving him the open door to change my heart and draw me close through the loss of Baby Hope. I was giving him Avalon and the chance to show us all his miraculous healing power in Liam.

God, what else have I given you? What are you going to do with the next hours, days or even years of my life? I'm still giving you my life---and I'm still trusting you to make it so much better than I could ever have dreamed to ask you for. Thank you for proving yourself faithful over and over.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Any one can Bake!" -- Blue Monday

Today I'm linking up with Smiling Sally for Blue Monday! Visit her blog for more Blue Monday participants!

A couple months ago, my mom gave me a box of recipes and cookbooks that belonged to my great-grandmother, Annabelle. We are pretty sure that a good majority of them belonged to her mother, Tresa Baker. Tonight, while looking for something blue to share with you all, I spied this promotional cook book put out by the Royal Baking Powder Co. in 1927. Since Grammy Annabelle was only 12 years old then, I'm assuming this was my great-great grandmother's book.

The book is titled Any one can Bake and the cover features a picture of kitchen items and the words, "Price $2.00" at the bottom. It is in really nice shape with a tight binding and glossy pages---several of them are in color. OldCookbooks.com lists it to sell for $38.50 for an excellent copy and $14.50 for a super beat up copy.

Not only does it feature lots of great recipes, but it also has many, many tips and ideas for table setting, menu planning, entertaining and nutrition (page 42 is titled: "Cookies--Wholesome Sweets for Children").

In the section labeled "Menus and Menu Building", the following sentence is used: "Similar vegetables such as macaroni and white potatoes or macaroni and rice or potatoes and rice should not be served at the same meal." Now who can tell me what is wrong with that sentence? Ha! Also, the following are listed as "combinations to which we have become accustomed": corned beef and cabbage, pig's knuckles and sauerkraut, roast duck or goose and apples, roast pork and applesauce, roast veal and tomatoes, buckwheat cakes and sausage, fish and cucumbers. I can honestly tell you that if buckwheat cakes are what I think they are then that is the only of those combinations that I've heard of or eaten! However, even though I thought we had not one more meal in the house and were in desperate need of a grocery shopping trip, now that I know fish and cucumbers are an acceptable meal, I can unthaw those few salmon patties in my freezer and serve them with the handful of cucumbers I've got in the fridge!

A menu plan "that will interest the 16-Year-Old" on page 87 prefaces it's choices with the following: "Every young girl is anxious to give a party that is different and to be assured that her boy and girl friends are going to have as fine a time at her home as at any other. The kinds of cake or sandwiches or other dishes that the boys like will always be the ones decided upon." Ha! I won't write them all out now but I can say that most of them involve coffee and toast!

My favorite part of the book is the very last page, "Hints for Young Housewives". There were a couple of really great ideas, as well as some that I'd already had to learn from trial and error! I liked this idea for keeping a round, cut cake fresh: "cut the desired number of slices from center of cake. Push the two remaining pieces close together like a whole cake and it will keep moist and soft for several days." Duh...I can't believe I haven't thought of that yet!

All teasing aside, I really think this book will come in handy as I plan to invite the ladies of our church (all but a handful of them are great-grandmothers) over for a get-together now and then. I'm sure it will really bless them to have me make up some of these recipes that they probably remember having as a child or preparing as a young wife.

Enjoy your Blue Monday!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Grand Day Out: Gratituesday

Today I'm linking up with Laura at Heavenly Homemakers for Gratituesday. If you get the chance, visit some of the other participants to find out what they're grateful for today!

We've recently moved to northern Washington and have been excited to explore the surroundings.A couple of weeks ago, my husband planned a fun day out for our family.

We began at the Washington State University Discovery Garden in Mount Vernon. What was estimated to be about a 20 minute jaunt around a few paths turned out to be a 2 1/2 hour stroll through garden upon garden! It was beautiful! There are way too many pictures to post and too much to tell so I'll just include a few highlights!  

I thought the most interesting plant was this giant rhubarb. I know it looks big in the picture but I'm telling you...this thing was HUGE! It was seriously three feet tall! I don't think they grow 'em like that in eastern Oregon???
There was a special garden just for children where Selah and Lynzie posed with some favorite story book characters.
Alice, The Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts were all hiding in the bushes.  
Elisha was really excited to find what he thought was a beehive. (Although he called it a "bee hind"). Turns out, it was just a storage box for hoses...but I couldn't convince him so we got a picture in front of the "bee hind".

I thought it was really neat that they had a little bit of everything and that there was something for everyone. There were rose gardens, herb gardens, areas specific to fruit plants and others for vegetables. There was a veteran's memorial and a children's garden. We got a little turned around in a thicket of trees and even saw a frog in a pond in the "native to Washington area".

One part of the garden that I thought was especially useful was a pavilion that featured several gardening ideas for the handicapped. There was a big display that showcased lots of different gardening tools to aid those who need a little help in gardening. There were also displays to show creative ways to allow those with impairments to enjoy the plants and soil too. For instance, there was a little garden planted in a high, table-like planter for the visually impaired:

There was also a display of a garden built into a planter with seating all around it so someone who was not able to stand or bend could sit on the edge and work in his or her garden:  
My favorite display of all was the Espalier trained apple tree!  You can read more about Espalier training here but the picture should give you a pretty good idea what they've done. Can you imagine having your apple tree grow out along your fence? So awesome!  
After an "interesting" lunch in the car (I grabbed the peanut butter and bread but forgot a knife...Jamie had to spread it on with a pocket knife while I was feeding the baby!), we headed out to Whidbey Island to take some pictures.

We eventually ended up in a little town called Coupeville and found a park where Jamie stopped so the kids could play and I could feed the baby. Jamie put flowers in my hair:

Then he found a trail that we walked down to a little beach just the right size for us!
There we found lots of sea shells and skipped some rocks.
It was a really great day and the best part of all was that we spent it together!

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