
Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday {on Sunday night}

It's a new week already and I'm gearing up for busy! But first...some Happy Homemaker thoughts!

The weather...

The weather here is stinkin' hot. Stinkin'. That is all.

Right now I am...

Jamie has just gotten the four littles to bed and the olders are spending time on their own various pursuits. He has some studying to do so I'm considering whether I want to visit blogs or finish a book. 


I'm super excited for the Teach Them Diligently convention next weekend. I've been wanting to go to one for years and it's coming to our area! Yay!

On my reading pile...

I've just finished reading Tracie Peterson's Treasured Grace for a book review. I'm not normally a romance novel sort of girl but I picked this one up because it's an Oregon Trail story set at Whitman Mission near where I grew up in Eastern Oregon.

Something fun to share...

Yesterday was my first author event at our local library. I had a blast meeting new authors and several of my friends stopped by to support me. Jamie brought all the kids over too! That was SUCH a blessing! I even sold some books!

On the menu for this week...

Leftover supreme! Thursday is grocery day so we'll be eating up whatever's in the fridge. I gave our second fridge to a family in need so now we've got to eat up those leftovers before I can make anything new---storage space is limited!

On my to do list...

Packing. Our landlord is selling his home so we've got to find a new place to live. I'll be busy packing the first part of the week and then will take a break to enjoy the homeschool convention at the end of the week.

Looking around the house...

I need more boxes. Ha!

From the camera...

One of my favorite weekends in recent history was last weekend when Lynzie and I went to Joplin to attend a ladies conference. The conference was nice but the really great part was meeting our blogging friends, the Lanes!

On my prayer list...

We need direction about this move and some other personal things. It seems God is giving us several options and leaving the choice up to us. I think it would be easier if he'd just shut all the doors but one. Ha!

Linking with:

Making Your Home Sing Monday


  1. Oh my, you are a busy mama. Sounds like you have a great plan for your week. Praying for you and your family.

  2. Hope the move goes well and you end up where God wants you! Have a great week!

  3. We're eating a lot of leftovers too. It's a great way to save money and not be wasteful with the food that's been prepared. Hope you enjoy your time at the convention!

  4. Praying for you right now. Wish I were going to that convention with you. Loved the photo of all your family. Your first published author event-wow!
    If you need help packing, give me a call and we can try to work out a time.
    Be blessed,

  5. Congrats on your first author event! Hope your upcoming move goes well. Have a great week!

  6. This is "leftover, dig through the fridge and freezer week" for us also. And I need to read that book... and I am jealous that you lived near where a lot of my family history happened. Joe Meek's daughter Helen died after the Whitman massacre while she being held captive... Joe Meek was my 6th great uncle so she was my cousin. Fascinating history.

    1. Dianne,

      I will send this to you and another I have on the Whitman Massacre. It was a pretty emotional read and I know I won't read it again. The history is definitely tragic!

  7. What a great photo and Sounds like such a fun day! Congrats on selling some of your books! Finishing up leftovers here also. Hope you have a great week.

  8. Praying God gives you guidance on your move! Moving is never a easy feat... I enjoyed your blog thanks for sharing!


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Mrs. Sarah Coller

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